Ok, you should go see Capote. Just take a bottle of Prozac before you go and have someone waiting outside the theater with a double martini. Must art be so depressing? Must they torture us for their Oscars?

(Irony of following film about man who died of alcoholism with double martini duly noted.)

My fellow Student Global AIDS Campaign cohorts and I had these grand...
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Capote was amazing. I saw it last weekend, and everyone just left the theatre in a stunned silence. So powerful. Except some lady behind us who talked throughout and at the end "didn't get it." What's not to get?!

And I can't say I wouldn't die of fright if I dreamed about Frank the Bunny on a regular basis. skull
Rocks for jocks has become an excercise in apathy. No one will know what the hell i'm talking about but I feel compelled to type futiley about it anyway. I have a midterm tomorrow which I feel no need whatsoever to study for, not because i'm a geologic badass but because I can either torture myself and fail it or chill and fail it. Mindlessness...
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halloween is hallo-worth it.

some highlights:
taking shots of peach schnapps (wtf?) with a random girl in a slutty cop costume.
somehow rendering my left knee completely swollen and bruised...not a clue as to how.
gradually accumulating bunnies as I made my way in all my Hef glory down franklin st.
hectors at midnight with the accumulated bunnies.
sitting between two angry black women on...
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Hells yes, it was Hallo-worth it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads Diesel Sweeties. wink
Linda's, 1 a.m.

When I tried to lift the last notes
of you
from the clink and clamor
of your relentless background music,
I knew that this time
there was no sense in shouting.

Across the wires bottles chattered
loudly to one another on crowded tabletops,
darts buried themselves
in scarred walls and broken furniture,
the bullseye still pristine.

And somewhere on your shoulder,
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Good snow skiing too. wink

And yes, I have zero southern pride. Do you know why we're sure the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?
Good for you. I grew up around a bunch of hateful, racist bastard rednecks and have fostered a healthy dislike for anyone who says "Git R Done" on a regular basis.

And if you've never heard the joke, the answer is because if it had been invented anywhere else it would have been called a teethbrush. wink
This is a mixedup morning.
(ok I know it's 2 in the afternoon but I should have been sleeping until recently so we'll still call it the morning)

Death Cab. Was. Amazing. They played so much old stuff--including Transatlanticism at the very end. I would describe the high points but they were all high points. There are no words. (erm, there are also no pictures....
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It's just hard to decide whether to try to talk her out of jumping or stand below to catch her when she does. I just wish I knew what was going through her head. Thank you for the advice, though.
The birthday curse has apparently been lifted, or at least lessened. On to better things--such as the Death Cab concert Thursday. I should really take a camera to this one since there are no current pictures of me in existence.

Running up hills in the woods with handweights in 50-degree weather is the best ever. You should try it. Also in the woods, no one...
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Death Cab! I wanted to go, but it's not going to work out. All my friends are going. Definitely bring your camera and get your picture taken with Ben Gibbard. One of my friends still has all my DCFC/Pretty Girls Make Graves pictures from last year. mad

Anyway, I've got to see this Hef costume. We should meet up sometime on Halloween so I can not at all explain to my friends where I know you from. Whaddaya think?
column. hooray drugs.

Also hooray for today being my better half's 21st birthday--worth celebrating not only because he survived another year but because I now have a reliable liquor source. wheeeee.

Hopefully this year it will not be cursed. We've been together for about 3 years (the preceding year in high school does not count--nothing from high school counts, really), and the first year on...
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Thanks! kiss And my dog is never happier than when it's cold. He's a Siberian husky, so he gets pretty miserable in the summer.

And another amen on the column. It reminds me of the commercial in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle where the kid puts the shotgun in his mouth. Ridiculous. I'm not a pot-smoker myself, but seriously guys, it's not really that scary. And if we need them to start cracking down on heroin addiction, I say make viewing Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting mandatory.

-fingers crossed-

I think there is a tiny, invisible threshold somewhere in the time-space continuum that, when inadvertently crossed, transforms "home" into "my parents' house."

All around me there are messes that are not mine and smudges on the glass that I did not make. I don't know where they keep the cereal anymore. I've forgotten how many steps there are from the bed to the lamp....
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I'm an only child, so I don't think my parents will ever stop desperately trying to get me to come home. But who knows. frown I'm sorry, hon. And I'm sure back to classes today didn't help.
But at least it's turned cold! Things are looking up! smile
Anatomy of a good morning:
Hear alarm go off. Realize class has been cancelled. Hurl alarm clock at wall. Dream of beignets at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans at 3 a.m. when the sax man stops playing and leans over the railing to talk until dawn. Wake up sometime remotely before noon, walk dog in what must be the perfect equilibrium between temperature and...
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I'm jealous. Sounds like a wonderful day. Minus the alarm clock. Have a great fall break!
column, damnit. Supid editors putting wayward commas where they don't belong.

I am now on fall break but only in the loosest sense of the term. No class, but still more deadlines than anybody ever needs.

So, if anyone needs me (which is really just a figure of speech here, but still), I'll be somewhere under a pile of Canadian silver market research. Hooray.

PBR....hmmm... good bad beer.

the south is the shit.
chapel hill!? shit i havent been there since like... um 1996.

heh... is school kids still on the main drag?