Growl.... growl growl growl, grr grr grr... and other variations of the word.....

Of an animal: To utter a low guttural sound, expressive of rising anger.
Of thunder, etc.: To rumble
Of persons: To murmur angrily.
Of a wind instrument: to make a low, rasping sound. Of a musician: to make such a sound on an instrument.

Alsways interesting.....

anywho, speaking of growling,...
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So check this out...

Last monday I was at work, as a PA on this movie theyre filming here in vancouver called "Good Luck Chuck", why I get a call on my radio to head down to set to be "looked at" by the extras wranglers. He then introduces me to like a million people, diriectors, ADs, producers, wardrope ladies, etc, who are all telling...
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that's fucken awesome! what's the movie called?
and were you at the bus stop? or the flashback?

The movies called "Good Luck Chuck", and i was just at the bus stop..... but still fun none the less, but no makeout scene or hexing sadly haha!
Alright... so i know its been forever since ive "blogged"

(still cant believe the word "blog" is part of todays well known vocabulary... its right up there with "google" on the list of ridiculousness....)

I still dont have internet at home..... ive been living there for like 3 weeks now, and although Ive set it all up with telus, I STILL dont have it!...
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to prove you can use a camera just say ; 'Look!' then point the camera in their face and make them blind with the flash! then surley they should beleive you or at least have slight hint that u know to point it in the right direction!!!

awesome crab by the way!!!
kiss kiss
California!!! Woot!

Back at home, safe and sound! Was a quick trip, but a grand one none the less. Ive never been before, so it was quite exciting really... but then again, I've been told that I am very easy to please...... very easy.... i mean really... how could you not be totally satisfied by Pelicans and Palm Trees?!?!?!? Not to mention all the sand...
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Hi, yeh the yellow/black zombie deck is just an updated version of my first white and black zombie deck, which is a stenciled bit of work, which i want to do more of..... perhaps to a guitar! xx
you're fucken cute. kiss

have a ridiculous time! smile
And down I go, to California.... tomorrow morning! Bright and early! Man, I love to fly, I'm so stoked! Really! I've never been to California! Or really anywhere in the states really. Just a couple random very quick stops in places like Seattle, but thats only a couple hours drive from home so thats not that exciting... this trip however is!! The pictures shall be...
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i use manic panic - vampire red. i re-dye once every two weeks, so i redye quite frequently to keep it vibrant. and then i bleach my roots once a month. the only thing that gets pink is the shower and my pillowcases tongue
Seems like a lot of people are having issues with my site. Maybe flash wasn't a good idea. Its definently not made for dial up.

And I'm a Capricorn.
Officially moved in!! Woot! biggrin

Oh the joys of moving! I really do enjoy it, not that I move much at all really, but this one was fun! And my cat loves the new place so thats a big bonus and a half. . . yes, i know.... a geek i am indeed. . .

Any who, the web is not hooked up yet, so online...
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I love camping

under the stars, open air, in the woods, lakes and streams and rivers near by. . . as long as it doesnt rain.

Camping this weekend was oh so fun. Big giant fire, lots of rad people, sleepin in the truck, playin' round a bit haha, good times indeed, and all on tape too eh? haha, ahh yes. . . memories. ....
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and the day is hot again. . .

have not photographed anything in far too long, im starting to get enraged about that. still must get my camera fixed, this digital foolishness isnt quite cutting it for me.... I MISS MY FILM! MY 120mm FILM! GIVE ME BACK MY SQUARES! AND ALL MY WONDERFUL CHEMICALS!

september is not coming quick enough. . . im going...
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Growl... the word of the day. . .

the word of everyday really, to be quite honest here. .. . tired and hot, today was too hot... too hot and tiring, frustrating. . .

sitting here all sweaty and hot, a green apple smirnoff in my hand. . . why is it i always write these things under the influence of alcohol? or is it...
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7:23 pm Thursday Night

Bored. . . 3rd glass of beer, half full/half empty depending on my mood. . . grilled cheese sandwich pushed away to the side. . . typing away. . . "blogging". . . such an odd phrase. . .

Boredom again, thrift shopping was good today, good finds indeed. . . heard from an old friend. . . well not really...
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