At the end of every month, I say to myself "wow, I can't believe a month has passed by already". It seems like such a short time, but at the same time.. moving day feels like it was a very long time ago. tongue But its nice to think that at least it will be March, and that winter will be over soon (all 6 months...
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Oooh, the bar story sucks! I'll come hahah
And what are you going to be taking in college??
If you're ever at Readymix or the Albert... tongue

I'm hoping to take Creative Communications at Red River (its like journalism-type stuff, public relations too).
I've been feeling off since about Thursday evening, and I'm just starting to feel a bit better. I blame it on hormones, a stupid cunt of a doctor, aaaaand... i dunno. I hate feeling this way.. my sweetie (well, now boyfriend as of last night tongue) was saying such sweet things to me, and for some reason I couldn't feel anything. I get numb days....
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Life is great biggrin

I seem to have adjusted to my new home. My room is still a mess (can't decide how to put the furniture), and there's still the issue of only have 1 plug-in for about 8 things that need electricity tongue Otherwise, I feel like I've lived here for months already.

I'm still basically unemployed, meaning I work about 15 hours at my part...
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Being unemployed is great! But I'll be job hunting tomorrow.

I went to physio today for my foot. Its not horrible, but its a bit concerning. Structurally, the one muscle on the bottom of my foot (where the arch is) is too tight, causing the muscle on the top of the foot to overcompensate, irritating the joint in the big toe area. Also, no more...
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I LOST MY JOB! biggrin

Okay, usually something to not be excited about, but it totally blew working there. I'm getting paid out for the last week or so at least. I guess I'll start putting out resumes later this week. I'd like to enjoy some time off for a bit. I'm not sure I want to work in another web design company. Freelancing would be...
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You will be OK. I hope that you find something that you like doing.
Its been a good weekend smile I decided I needed a weekend where I didn't have to go busing across the city to friends places, stay up incredibly late, etc... plus I worked at my part time job this weekend, so I wanted to take it easy.

Friday evening was quiet... I was supposed to have a girl from work come by to check out my...
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I'M MOVING! biggrin

Only to another part of the city, but I'm thinking this will be a good experience for me. If there's a god out there, I'm praying that he'll let this work out without any bullshit. Please?

What area do you wanna live in now?
thanks for the good lucks! tongue

And coleen, I'm moving to... well, I guess its considered Osborne Village :o
I was a badass last night (well, badass for me tongue) and went out, and stayed out late (for me and my current schedule), and I'm not sorry I did! tongue Now that my sleeping is under control again (I'm praying I didn't just jinx it by saying that), and I've got someone to go out with (a boy I like!), going out seems like a...
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I had a great day yesterday smile I worked at my part time job and went shopping with my coworker after. Got some new cookware on sale biggrin (hand me down teflon pots are lame, stainless steel is in!). I felt so great when i got home! biggrin I decided it would be a good idea to work on my portfolio stuff though, and spent the next 4...
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Wow, haven't been on here lately.. too busy I guess. I'm supposed to be getting ready for work right now, but I'm procrastinating tongue

I'm debating taking tomorrow off from work since the designer I assist is away, and our art director will be away as well. So, if I run out of work, there's no one to assign me anything else ;P And plus, work...
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I've decided that I don't care if my apartment is less than 300 sq ft, I should still be able to have a party anyway tongue So its sort of motivation to clean up my apartment and make it really fancy looking. Party party! I'd love to be able to invite people over (like more than one at a time).

It finally snowed here (its typical...
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Lol at the drama paragraph =]
How bout not dump the group, but not hang with them as much if your not feeling it =P say your busy n have some you time ^^
Oh hey, I didn't notice you added me.

I have a teeny apartment, but we just had a little party the other day and it was quite a success. I'm planning another one for next month already!

And yeah, I would nix the negative people in your life. I have to break-up with friends all the time, it's very cleansing.
Life, life, life... life is good, except for the stupid guy that lives above me who's everyday noises seem much louder than they should be (walking around, tv really loud, I can here him and his friends talking, I sleep with ear plugs every night, etc). Can you tell me why someone would need to walk around continuously for 45 minutes at 2 in the...
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