i am learning how to do my taxes....
and i realized that since mom absolutely had to claim me as a dependent (which is a total fucking lie) i now owe the fucking government 180 dollars. now, if she hadn't went and lied on her tax forms, i would be getting a little money back. so, what do i do? should i file honestly and...
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hi roxie.

im very sorry to hear about your grandpa. if you ever need to talk to know you can call me anytime!!!

about taxes.....they fuckin suck!! I have some investments...so I usually have to pay taxes on those...every year. Id love to get money back, but that has never happened. Im not sure what you should do...well it is too late no...you have probably already made your decision.

you have a great guy like garrett b/c you are a great gal yourself!! dont forget that. tongue
why hello there!! couple things...

- when does your account renew on this site? if it comes down to it..I will pay for you....you are my best friend on this site!!!

- if you ever need to talk..you know my number..please dont hesitate to call....Id stay up all night chatting if you want too. School can be hard and a relative fading away can be even harder...sometime it is good to just let it all out.....that is what im here for.

- smile beautifull!!!! smile
whats with all the fucking changes around here? i am so irritated with this site. why am i here again?
boobs. you're here for the boobs tongue
i have been trying to update my journal here for weeks....but every time i get through with writing one, i end up hitting some button or the mouse with my some part of my hand and everything disappears....so, i am going to try to be super careful today....and update this fucking journal and get it over with. as usual, i am at work.....it is a...
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Thankz for the commont on my sluty situation. Your life seems to have some problems also. frown That sucks about your car, even though I love them they still upset meat times. Hang in there and enjoy your vacation. kiss
hey babe.....A JOURNAL ENTRY!!!!! hahahaha. Im not sure at all about your car. That kinda stuff happends all the time...those mystery problems. I hate those. Hope you have fun on your vacation!!!!
i just fucking typed about 6 or 7 paragraphs worth of "blog" and something happened and i lost it all
whats the fucking point?
hey babe...i wanna read the blog. How you been??
gah! that sucks mad
i just wanted my last post to go away.

we went to the salton sea on sunday. it was fucking wonderful

beautiful dead

so dead

everything dead

it was interesting how i felt so alive
we took many pictures but i can never figure out how to get pictures from my digital camera on here. its really annoying

im at work, since this is the...
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Sorry to hear that your car was stolen. I definitely know the feeling. My car was stolen at a bowling alley in broad daylight a few years ago. I felt really violated when i did get it back. I'm sure you can come up with something creative that you can do for his birthday that wouldn't require transportation. you can also try planning out a trip using the goldline or metro. that would be cool to me.
hey rox...i hope you are doing well.
its after 7 now, and i still havent done everything i need to do to open this place up. the fucked up thing about it is i dont care. i havent put the bagels in the bagel case, or put the table and chairs out or got ice.

i woke up with this fucking awful headache and feeling sick to my stomach.

i dont know...
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roxie...not sure if this helps...but every guy watches porn. Shit..I had a g/f of over 2 years and I still watched porn....even when she was around I watched it. Im sure you are ok. Your a great girl...garrett is lucky to have you. Keep your head up.
another quickie update..... well, ill try to make it quick

still working six days a week

still going to school 5 of those days

still overwhelmed....and its getting worse.

this week, we found out that we have to move out of our apartment.

our landlords mom had a stroke and he wants to move her into our place. we understand. it just sucks.

thursday morning,...
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how is the apartment search going?? I hope you are all better from your cold. and yes..Biology does suck!!!!
sorry things are hectic /shitty but good to hear from you roxie

(updated photo)

quickie update:

working 6 days a week still

going to school 5 days a week now

so fucking overwhelmed

super tired

there have been no drugs or alcohol in my body for a year and a half

my boss is so lucky im reliable

i make a hell of a cup of coffee, but i cant do this forever
I WANT SOME COFFEE!!!!!!! listen...i cant explain to you in words how proud i am that you have been sober for over a year...that is just awesome. Im so proud of you its silly...lol.
hello!!! so, its been over a month since my last post...sorry. i just hate the fucking internet so much lately. but i do miss this place sometimes. pretty much, when im on the computer, i'm checking my e mail or watching porn ads and previews. yesterday kinda sucked. it was mine and garrett's anniversary....his phone broke and i couldnt get a hold of him for...
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happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I'm doing this from my phone. Sweet. Work is boring. I like my new phone