My email has been dead for a month.
I cared at one point.
That was several years ago.

I suppose I should actually take the time to fix it, it just seems pointless. The only thing I ever get is letters from a psychotic rambling lunatic, and spam. I have a perfectly healthy sex drive, I don't need viagra.

A few more days until the...
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thanks !! smile
So Tired.

For the first time, well, ever I left work when my shift ended, instead of several hours later. I got home, logged into WoW, and woke up an hour later. Responded to 2 messages, and woke up an hour and a half later.

I should probably fix my email one of these days. My server ate it when I tried to install an...
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Fuck banks.

I wasted a retarded amount of time on the phone today and almost broke a fairly expensive phone, because my bank (former bank now) sucks.
Scenario: Card is stolen. Card is reported stolen. New card issued. Several months later, no card. Call bank. Bank sends new card. Several months later, no card. Call bank. Told of fees and things imposed on accout during...
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man, if i could run World of Warcraft i would have. my only priority for this box is playing that sweet, tender game.

i'm still running win2k on my work box... so old and busted.
Working hard and hardly working, its never a dull moment.

Well, ok, it's super dull alot of the time. After my amazon shopping sprees however, I have plenty to read and keep my busy.

I need social interaction.
check out my latest and lastest journal for a special halloween goodbye present
Hm. Boring.

Nothing terribly exciting happening lately, mostly just work and sleep. Ok mostly just work.
I need some new projects to work on, me thinks.
where HAVE you been??? kiss

i'm about to rip my hair out i've been so busy frown

maybe we'll bump into eachother here or there? sometime? again in the future??
Work in the last 2 weeks has been, an incredible rush.
With non-stop dead lines, an office move that just never ended, more vendor screw ups than I could shake a stick at, and more than a few sleepless nights, and I can breathe again.

Now, I have a couple days to finish reading the Da Vinci code, maybe start reading some of the umpteen...
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hi =) yer cute and here's why

you have long(ish) hair
you watch nickelodean
you seem to be a 'nerd'
you seem to be ok with being a nerd
you like traveling, drums and basses, reading, and Southern CA
you live in Hollywood, FL ( i can't believe this one ) but your from L.A.? lol

this is too curiously funny and did i mention cute?

no, i'm actually from the shuffle board state you are now inhabiting.

but the plan is to move to san diego this summer, wee!

another twist of fate wink
Work is evil.
Time consuming too.

What's sad is I know I could do everything on my tasks list tonight in 45 minutes if I actually applied myself. Instead, nothing.
Someone amuse me?
i deleted him - playing horde with big matt now biggrin
hell not even playing horde on LB anymore - i play on deathwing (alliance) with a gnome mage
So, its christmas. While its a fairly sucktacular time of year, this time I suppose it wasn't so bad. I got to spend time with my friends again (being off of work has rocked), went up to Magic Mountain (X is one of the SICKEST rides I've been on in a long ass time), spent time with people who I needed to spend time with,...
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I'm endlessly bored, yet, I'm working non-stop. Gotta love how that works.
Working is highly overrated, after about 4 months of working over my shift, usually by 3-4 hours is getting draining.
On the upside, I get 2 weeks away for the holidays, and now being 21 I do believe its time to let loose.
Amazon has decidedly become the most dangerous site on...
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"Hope still lingers on"

I remember being like 13 or 14, and watching that video come on. I remember watching the video, knowing that this, this was single handedly changing my perspective on the world, in ways that I wouldn't be able to understand for years to come.
Everything works like that though, right?

Most people don't get the influence music has on a life,...
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happy birfdat bro biggrin
Happy birthday.

That is a tough question to answer. I think the songs impacted me during certain ages. *shrug*

I don't post to this thing often enough. I never really do with journal things, it actually requires me to pause long enough to put my thoughts down and god knows that doesn't happen.

Work is good, just always more to do. Life is decent, well, if I had one.

#sgchat is funny, people threaten other people like it means something. Unfortunately the intelligence factor...
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Your mother was a Hamster and your dad violated her... eeek
No problem man, i'll let you know if something else is on the horizon.