ello ello. i've got nothing really to say. i'm pretty much completely unable to view about 90% of this web site now that i'm in iraq. shitty. but it's ok that i can check my actual profiel ting from time to time when no one is looking. i'm not to happy aobut life right now, but i'm not going to bore you with the nitty...
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It was nice meeting you ... see you around sometime smile

DarkestAngel (MIA)
well it's time i come back to yous again. i'm here in iraq. happy to be getting hot and sweaty. nuttin goin on right now. but it's still early yet and the birds havent' even arrived yet. whe the hell knows when that'll happen?
not me i'm low man on this totem pole. but in a little while i'll actually be doing stuff. what stuff...
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well fuckers i'm here. well not really in iraq i' am in kuwait waiting to go north to iraq at some intermitten time in the future and i still haven't the freakin slightest slue where to. but i do know this. it's hot here. yes i said it. it's freakin terrible hot. like it was 140 yesterday when i got off the plane. ouch for...
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it's the final stretch leaving out on tuesday to go to iraq. the land of the dusty lunch. man o man can't wait. just onw more year and i'm free. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HA HA ha ha ha ooooooohhhhhhhhh that was nice. i love cackling.
Happy Birthday! I hope you read this soon! kiss kiss
it's been a few more days. it's all hell in a hand basket shit here. less than two weks and it's off off i go. sitting in a coffe shop some where. the smell is invigorating, and upsetting my sinus cavitites. it's nice. i sppose that's it for now. more to come?
Shop smart... shop S Mart ... you got that!!
BLAH BLAH BLAH, nothing new to report lots of drinking and lots of crazy shit as usual when ever i'm on vacation. if that's what you can call this. i feel like i've fallin into some remote version of my former life friends i had were there but really not reponsive, and friends i saw were kinda like aloof, not really there. more like i'm...
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aaaaaaaa bitches bitches bitches
it's been a while, a long while guess, but i'm back then i'm leavin again, it's all off to iraq for another go round, oh well it's been fun, but now it's off to war, i'll be on again before we go, but till then PEACE
this is the last time i'll be on for the next plus. i'm goin to the feild for jrtc, wich is if you've ever seen the movie tigerland, exaclty that. if you haven't seen the movie, go out rent it, and i won't have to explain. the funny thing is i'm doing this in preperation of Iraq, and i'm goin to a mock jungle environment,...
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lol good luck
How are you?
it's been nearly a year and a half, and i'm still stuck on this girl. tonight as i drove home in a daze of drugs and rock and roll, hold the drugs, i found my self longer for the scent of her. the way that she held her hand on the whell of her car as she drove, the way i used to run my...
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I am in the same problem as you ... it sucks ass.
send me an email if you need to talk or anything
for the first time in jsut about forever i think that my computer is back up to normal running speed, of course that means that tomorrow it's gonna break again. real good too. right now i'm tryin to install an actual cable modem to my pc, and it's sooooooooooo not going well. let's see, what have i been up to. lots of hospital visits, some...
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glad to hear the computer is doing well..how are you?
once again the computer crashed but it's back again. and i am going to atomic slbow drop this peice of shit off the top turnbucle if it freaks again. i can't be waisting money on this shit box any more. and i also got one fine ass bomb shell droped on me head friday. my roommates are deciding to move out. thus leaving me with...
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