sgb tonight!! montreal, baby!

see ya'll there, perhaps.
are you driving...?
can i get a ride with you..

message meeeeeee please.!!! smile
thank you so much. It was unexpected for me too, but I gotta to hang out backstage and drink beer plus watching from the sides you see more ass. I wish I could go to Toronto and do the same thing. it was fun, cheers.
so i got absolutely ridiculously drunk two nights ago, and spent all of yesterday nursing the worst hangover in the world. who knew it was humanly possible to puke on 6 different occasions while having nothing in your stomach to throw up? not i.

i'd never been kicked out of the bar before. i guess there's a first for everything.

yesterday, i went and watched...
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dude.. for me pulsifer dropped off the face of the earth.
is he in ottawa? ancaster? who knows...
i should see if that kid's still alive
See you in Montreal man, bring lots of bud!! If you do that of course....
i hit a deer in my mom's car last weekend. it was fucking traumatizing. i saw it coming so i slowed down, and wasnt doing 120 when i hit it (thank god). as a result, the deer ran away instead of being road pizza but i dont know if it survived or what.

and my mom's car is fucked up large. thankfully its covered under...
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Oh no, the poor deer frown frown I'm glad you're ok though.

I've heard hitting a moose can smash the car and the moose walks away unscathed. Good for the moose, baaad for the dead driver!
yikes! i hope the deer is okay!

and i LOATHE those damned limo suvs. They are so ugly, and I can't even believe they are legal!
so i'm about to leave on a bit of a mini roadtrip. i'm going to this leadership conference thing put on by the school. it's in nowhere quebec, and i'm driving with nothing but a pretty shady map to help me get there. and in addition, the car only has a tape player and i dont know anyone who owns one of those tape-player-attach-to-discman adapter...
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i feel ur pain sweetheart...i'll get you a tape-player-attach-to-discman adapter...thats what i have in my car

i would've loved to share breakfast with u dear!!!!

kiss kiss kiss kiss
i want vegetarian breakfast burritos. mmmmmm. wait- veggie or vegan? shocked
i guess its that time of year again -

breakups breakups.

my gf & i went splitsville yesterday. after 2 1/2 years (with a couple 'intermissions'), everything culminated to a close yesterday at 3ish. havent seen or heard from her since, so i've no idea how she's doing. personally, i'm still having a hard time believing.

today was my last day @ my horrible government...
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second job?! GIMME!

I'm sorry about your girlfriend. Breakups are so terrible, I'm still dealing with the aftereffects of mine, and it's been almost eight months.

My work experience is both in restaurants as well as call centre, for computer hardware and software. Also as an office assistant. Basically, right now I'm looking for anything that does not include saying the words "would you like fries with that", and preferably something where I make a good base salary. Suggestions would DEFINITELY be welcomed, I'm having a really hard time because I don't speak French.
i think im pretty sure im gunna do it

hello europe watch out cuz here i come wink
i'm SO tired.

spent a good chunk of last night with a super good friend who i havent seen in awhile... we hung out, marijuana'd, ate junk food and watched jackass. she & i are moving in together next year, so we've got much more of that to look forward to.

but because of that, i got virtually zero sleep... combined with my zero sleep...
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sweet job..the words free and beer go together all too well
forgive me SG goddesses, for so i have sinned... it has been 10 days since my last confession.

skate & surf fucking ruled... 3 days of awesome music, awesome people, all right down by the ocean. i dipped my feet in for the first time ever in my life. it was DAMN cold.

yesterday was officially my last day as an employee at HMV -...
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thanks! I'm happy to be here.

and except for 'eternal sunshine', I own every film on your favourites list tongue
nice selection!!!

yea blondie is a good time

so im leaving as soon as i'm packed for the NJ skate & surf festival. should be a rollickin' weekend.

my expected highlights include:

+ roadtrippin' with rokstarsteve, b-rad, and unknown ian.

+ sharin' the hotel with my new friends .moneen.
+day 1 motioncitysoundtrack/coheed/denali/ brand new
+day 2
bear vs shark/onelinedrawing/moneen/ taking back sunday
+day 3
armor for sleep/early november/ matchbook romance/straylight run/sparta

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have fun! damn that sounds really fun...
good luck dear n have a greattttttttt weekend!

kiss kiss
so i just got back from the punkottawa.com 3rd anniversary party.


moneen are my new heroes. i've never had so much fun in my life. i'm not sure if my hand is going to ever heal from the abuse it took supporting my entire body weight on the front monitor of the stage, but shit happens. it was probably the best show i've been...
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the show was awesome. i'm still hearing the darkness cover being played in my head haha
the show was amazing

I think ottawa has enough people who wanna see SGB tour.
we shall see.
holy crappola!

suicide girls are coming to a city near you... err, near me!

June 22nd, Montreal -
i've officially died and gone to heaven.

in other news - i'm sick as a dog. and
skate & surf is this coming weekend. please make me get better.
i'll make u feel better wink