So today is Luna(my cat) B-Day and I'm so gratefull to have her, she have been so precious to me that I can't even start to express my feelings towards her. She was given to me in a random monent in my life, at the time I would never thought in having a cat cause well, I live in a small department and is forbidden...
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Video link:

killer whale vs tiger shark

Off the coast of Costa Rica (homeland) professional underwater photographer Caroline Power and British marine biologist Nicholas Bach catch a group of Killer Whales vs a Tiger Shark encounter which ends up as expected. This is the first known footage caught of a pod of Orcas hunting a Tiger Shark.

This is so Unique <3 I love it,still
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If you ever come to Costa Rica you really need to visit Guanacaste and all the great beaches it has! The people is so nice and kind, I mean it; you'll love it :D


Im watching the shining for the first time (in spanish, i rather english but whatever) I love Clockwork and well.. i just can't let this pass by any longer, it had to be done, it had to be seen...

its pretty cool @rachelle & @monochingo but all happend so slow D: 
Love that movie

Hellow Suicides! Today I bring to you Biker Mice from Mars one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid.

It's about three Mices (Throttle, Modo & Vinnie) who escape a war on their home Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland; the Plutarkians, an alien race of obese, foul-smelling, fish-like humanoids who plunder other planets' natural
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I love to share a lot of the stuff I appreciate: art, music, etc. Today I bring you this artist call Frank Frazetta, his style of drawing is mind-blowing! A bit deathly-wild to keep it smooth and classy, there are so many details! It's all in there. I love how he draw such powerful women I hope you like this kind of stuff as
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este post lo escribiré en español para poder contar la historia con más lujo de detalle. Pudo haber sido hace más o menos unos 7 años, recuerdo bien que fue una locura, para empezar mis padres no me dieron permiso (típico) por lo cual tuve que escaparme. Para poder obtener buenos lugares es bien conocido que se debe llegar hacer fila desde bien temprano, por
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hello everyone, I'm super noob on the page so be pacient with me, I really hope to find interesting people on this site (I obsiously know it will happend) and make new friends; I truly enjoy making new friendships! If you wanna know me better let me know :D soon I'll be posting more things, for now I'm learning how to post and shit haha