I ran Bay to Breakers yesterday. It was a really fun time, but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone interested in a challenge, unless you're at the front of the first corral, you will be constantly slowed down by the wall of people in front of you.

As you would expect in San Fransisco, the costumes were outrageous and awesome ... I could have done...
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Maker Faire day 1 (San Mateo, CA) was awesome!!

Who's going to be there tomorrow? Message me if you want to meet up!
I'm so excited!! I have been putting it off, but I finally booked my flight, and now it's too real to ignore. I'm moving to Kiev. It's going to be awesome, I'm sure ... But no matter what I have a flight booked and right after my brother's wedding, I'm off on a new adventure.

Anything is better than here, but I get the impression...
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The grass is always greener on the other side. smile
Don't get me wrong, I love America. I just don't love living in Monterey California.

I'll be back in the USA eventually, but I'll make sure it's the east coast ...
Help me: I go home with a lot of obnoxious daddy's girls.

This is not my preference, but it often seems like my lot in life. My work requires me to maintain a certain level of dress in and out of the office, and I have to maintain a conservative haircut and appearance. So I go out and I look a certain way and I...
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Watches. Even when I'm wearing one, I will remove my phone from my pocket and use it to check the time. On any given day, whichever watch I'm wearing is probably, on average, 5 minutes off.

Truth be told, I wear watches for the same reason I wear cuff links - because they are acceptable pieces of jewelry for men, and they make me feel...
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There's alot of truth to that.I once sported a watch for almost a month before I realize it was dead.
Happy Friday the 13th!

So glad I didn't have to work today, so far it has been a horror movie marathon in my apartment, though I probably only have one more movie before I should get ready and head to the bars.

Of course I know I'm talking to nobody, but why the hell not, right?

I joined goodreads today, mostly because I have no...
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