Tuesday thru Friday = WORST DAYS OF MY LIFE!!! Imagine (if you haven't been thru this hell) being trapped in the car with your mother, family, whoever. For over 30 hours. TRAPPED. Rest area!! 5 MINUTES OF FREEDOM!!!! OMG have never smoked so many cigarettes or taken so much Xanax lol. Ugh, so fucking horrible. Bickering over the most retarded bullshit and getting so irritable....
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That is an awesome hat! And it matches your shirt! I may be out of the loop here but are you visiting or staying in Oregon??
I want a postcard biotch!! I'll message you my address in case you don't have it memorized, you stalker you! tongue
I've had enough abuse and disrespect at this pathetic job. If the
leads/managers weren't pathetic worthless sad excuses for human
beings maybe it would be alright. Actually my boss lied to me and lied
to others and betrayed my confidence in him. I looked up HIS boss,
I instantly got put back on the schedule. My first day back was bullshit.
Some faggot whose job...
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ha ha I need a shirt that says TITS!!!!! I hope your job gets better Sounds really sucky right now!
Christ, where do you work? Weinerville? tongue
I like how SG has to always change the formatting. No I really do! It keeps me on my fucking toes. Sarcasm? Maybe so, maybe not.

Speaking of sarcasm, 90% of the humans in this shit town are fucking morons. They are NOT smarter than a 5th grader. They don't even understand the concept of sarcasm. I try to keep my mouth shut because people...
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firemen = yumminess!
I think that percentage of moronosity is nearly a Universal constant. Einstein said so.
Fuck Dog World. They are gonna regret not hiring me. I would have been so fucking great there, because I'd be happy and actually care about the job. So fuck those fucking fuckers! I'm actually gonna go volunteer at an animal shelter (no kill) just to get more experience with dogs and stuff so maybe I'll try this super upscale "Canine Country Club", this place...
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Webcam group is still dead so I thought I'd write to you on here...

It sucks when you don't get a job you want. If you are passionate about it keep at it! I had a friend who once got turnedd down for a job at the Disney store in the UK. They said she didn't smile enough! haha! What do they know, now she's a very successful teacher!
I totally feel you on not getting hired! I've applied at just about every pet store on earth and I never even get called back. I'm pretty much the biggest animal lover ever and they don't even know what a great employee they're missing. I'd love to just volunteer, but I'm too broke to work and not get paid for it.

p.s. I love your sg user name! If I made anything with "abortion" my name, I'd probably get everyone and their brother on this site scolding me for making light of something like abortion.
I didn't get the job. I hate pussies that don't even call you back to let you know you are useless and won't ever amount to anything. The last stupid job I interviewed for didn't call me back, I had to call them. I called this place back. I'm pretty bummed out because this is the first job that I REALLY actually wanted. It would...
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Stupid ass fuckers! They suck!! frown
Ok so that whole boyfriend thing was pretty funny. It was only awesome the first time we hung out. I don't know if he's alive or whatever but I sent him an e-mail saying I hope he's ok but I haven't seen him in over a week so bye bye. We sorta hung out last Saturday but basically I just gave him a ride home...
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I sent you something today you pirate hooker! tongue
Dog Shop. That's a magnificent name. "I work at Dog Shop". Sounds cool!
Yeah my boyfriends super lame. If Saturday rolls around and he doesn't call me I'm gonna leave him a "fuck off" voicemail and e-mail.

My interview went well, I'll have another one with the owner in a few days. I hope it goes well too smile

night night


Edit @ 7:57AM
Ahhhhhh it's nice going to sleep drunk but it sucks when you just...
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So this whole boyfriend thing is kinda weird. Cuz we met on Thursday and have just hung out once since then. I picked him and his bike up when it was pouring rain, I dunno why he didn't call me instead of riding his bike in the rain and getting completely soaked. I didn't talk to him for a few days so I called him...
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that would be my dream job
Ok then, well... I have a boyfriend. Yeah, it's completely out of no where and I'm still like shocked WTF eeek haha. I was e-mailing this guy that responded to a horror movie ad I posted on Craigs List. Not one of those creepy "Casual Encounter" things. Just saying I'd really like to just kick back, get drunk, eat some pizza and watch horror movies all night....
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LOL Crazy!! Congratulations!
macaroni!!!!! biggrin i had that for lunch today!boyfriend! yippee!

I think I posted wrong or something but in my last post I wasn't saying that I was sick. I was saying that my "friend" (he's a real person lol) was horribly sick from working all the time and not allowing himself to get better. And by "friend" I meant umm "person I have do the sex with". blush But he's in bed all week and...
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nice chest, uh I mean shirt
awesome shirt!
OK it's been a while. Not a whole lot has been going on. I'm not sick anymore, thank god. Ugh that was so horrible being sooo sick for that long. But now my little friend has been sick on and off for the past couple weeks too plus he works 2 jobs and doesn't have time to rest so I haven't gotten to "see" him....
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Take it easy hun, you probably just need a day off.
Don't go licking anymore man nipples and you won't get sick you smelly pirate hooker! ARRR!!!
So yeah I've had a 101+ fever for.. 4 days straight now. Insanely sore throat, my whole damn body hurts. Yesterday I was dizzy all day and couldn't even get out of bed for anything frown The lesson I have learned is to never have fun again. I think it's too hard on my body to go from being a big fucking loser bum to going...
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aww I love hamsters, take care of yourself kiss
I've been there too, and hate it. (sick)

have fun at your friends dogs b-day party.