I'm heading out on my bike trip tomorrow. It came up so fast. This will probably be the last time I'll be able to come on here at all considering I'll be on public computers only.

I'm thinking that this trip will be about 3200-4000 km depending on where I go and how far this trip actually is going to be. I just did a...
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Ok. Finally, I was able to add some pictures.
The last time I said I was going to I was just about to but when I took the pictures off my camara the internet wasn't working at all so I left it.

It's finally done. I'll probably get some more on. More than likely some of my bike trips. Some of the pictures I have...
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I'm now training for my bike trip. Did 40 km today. Not much but I over did it last time I went out and just wanted to take it a bit easy today.

I was out for a bit more than 2 hours and I had a pretty good time. The road that I choose to ride is pretty nice. Great view of the Ottawa...
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I just got back from Toronto tonight. I have been in Toronto for the past 8 or 9 days. My grandmother and grandfather were in Flordia. My grandmother took ill and had to go to the hospital. Long story short, she's in the Toronto hospital now. She was in the Florida hospital for 2 weeks than came back home. She's been in the Toronto hospital...
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I came back to Ottawa yesterday. 9 hour drive. It's good to be home. It's such a nice day out today. It's only like 7 or 10 degrees above today but I want to go biking. Put my bike together and get out in this wonderful sunny weather and start training.

I'm watching Good Will Hunting on the computer as I type this right now....
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My back hurts.
The party was great! I had a wonderful time. I'm not used to getting that much attention though. I don't know if it was my leg brace or the top I wore, lol. Sorry to hear you back is hurting. Hope it starts to feel better.

Happy Easter biggrin
Ok. Last day of work yesterday. I wasn`t able to update yesterday because my family is here visiting and I was distracted.
I`m so glad to be done with that crap job. It did give me an extra $2000 since it was $500 every two weeks. Terrible pay, but when you don`t have expenses it`s pretty nice.
It will definately help on my bike trip....
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Total Meh. Nothing`s new.
I`m going to the gym tonight.
In doing my excersises, I`m up to 40 push-up in one rep. I think that`s pretty goodsmile
Wow! I might....I repeat might, be able to do one push-up, lol. So I think 40 is very good. biggrin

Thanks for the friendly support. I'm sure I will figure out what to do just fine.
Oh my goodness! Posh did a multiple.
Can you say hottest set ever! What beautiful women are on this site. It`s incredible.

One more week of work. Man, I can`t wait until I`m done with this crap. I hate this job so much but (I`ve said it before) it`s really helping with my french. Really helping. I`m so glad that I was able to make...
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Thats great! I could not speak french if my life depended on it. Thanks so much for your email by the by. It was a nice surprise in my day. biggrin