So i got an e-mail back and I didn't get an internship with BioWare for January. frown Here's the e-mail:


Thanks for sending in your mod. You prepared a fair bit of interesting work in there for such a limited period of development. However, after reviewing the mod, we didn't feel that, from a gameplay perspective, it met the bar we were hoping for from...
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I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out for you... May isn't too bad a time to work for Bioware though... unless you weren't intending to stick around Edmonton in the summer...

Sounds like you impressed them though and that's no small thing smile.
you will get it next time its that first rejection that makes it sweeter

So I haven't posted in a bit. I've been really busy. But I am still alive.

I will post later on, I promise.

That is all.

So this week is finally almost over. Thank god!!
It was so ridiculously busy this week for me. I had 5 assignments due and a midterm. I hate school. Now I just have to finish memorizing some Japanese and after when I get back from class, write an essay. haha. The rough draft is only due, thankfully.
So I got an e-mail today and my...
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Yay! Part of me is saddened by the delay of BC... the other part is elated that I don't have "self control" and "not spend money I don't have yet."

Epcor though? That's straight hate. At least they're keeping it simple for me.
Good luck with your interview. smile I splurged and picked up the collector's edition of FFXII and strategy guide. The art book is really cool. Montblanc, the Totemas, and the Judges are in the game. smile The battle system reminds me of a more complex version of Secret of Mana. You can assign characters to do things like cast magic, fight, and use items. Well, I hope you get the job at Bioware. smile

So I got an e-mail tonight from BioWare asking for a good time to do a phone interview. yay! I guess my resume and cover letter was alright.

45 min phone interview...
Never had on before.

I'll prepare as much as I can I guess. I'm not going to get my hopes up though. Don't want to get too excited.

Hopefully I'm the...
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good luck! At least you got a heads up on the phone interview. The last one I had was by surprise... ended up having to cancel an Ulda run on WoW to do it.

Well, I should have cancelled the ulda run. Instead I just switched to mouse-only control... does that make me a bad person?

Anyhow, get the job and then immediately request they hire me. That way we both win smile.
Wow a week since I updated? eesh

Well I can't get a pre-order for any of the games and Wii that I wanted. Apparently stores don't do that anymore. So my plan for the Wii is to be super-duper nerdy and camp out in front of Best Buy. I choose Best Buy (assuming that he still works there) Al works there and may have some...
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i'd be saving my money for a ps3, but hey, that's just me.
Incidently... you are hereby invited to join us SG-Westers at my place on Sunday for pancakes, should you be available and interested. More info is available on the group but if you could drop a line if you're interested that would be super-awesome.

Should you not be able to attend the pancake event I am willing to forgive you provided you invite at least me and freakpirate over for Wii action. Damn I want to play that thing.
Ah fuck. I'm going to be poor before Christmas comes. Wii comes out on the 19th so I'll pre-order that.
AND WoW Burning Crusade will probably come out Nov 24th (my guess) or so, so I think I'll pre-order that too. It's going to be fucking nuts though. The starting area for Blood Elves is going to be sooo shitty. But that's not going to...
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$200 for a preorder? That's nuts. I only had to put down $50 for the system and $10 for the classic controller to play downloaded games. Yeah, I preordered FFXII too. I love FF Tactics Advance so much, I had to see what they were gonna do with Ivalice. I'll probably end up getting a DS for the spin off game and FF3.
just wanted to give a cheer for a fellow computing Scientist from the UofA (I graduated this July). Out of curiousity, what's your focus... graphics/compilers/something else?
So my photoshoot yesterday went well. I had lots of fun. Bradford is a really nice guy. He looks kind of like Howie Mandel. His studio is on 104th and Jasper-ish and it's in this crazy historic building. It's like creepy as fuck. His studio is in the basement of the building and it looks like a dungeon. Needless to say I was a bit...
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I noticed today that my hair is like 8 different colours. I got my roots done and it's a lighter colour than the hair underneath. And underneath is like light brown while the roots are dark brown and I have blonde on top. rawr!
I either need to do all blonde and have some brown underneath or go back to being a brunette.
We shall...
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time for a new paint job ;-)
A Word on

Wislawa Szymborska
from the Polish by Joanna Trzeciak

Out of every hundred

those who always know better:

of every step:
almost all the rest.

Ready to help,
if it
doesn't take long:

Always good,
because they
cannot be otherwise:
four_well, maybe five.

Able to
admire without envy:

Led to error
by youth
(which passes):...
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i can't believe you posted something from our journal on your blog


hahaha you know you like it.
Rawr! Sometimes I hate being female.

Anyways, I had a pretty okay week. Thursday night was awesome though. I was super stressed because I had a quiz in my computer graphics class and there was so much shit to know and he so can't teach well that I was going nuts. I had to study after my Japanese class in which I got home at...
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