Well, tonight I ride the horse... pretty fucking stupid considering my addictive personality, brokeness, and the overall "Ill do any drug once EXCEPT heroin, thats junkie shit" mindset Ive had until now. Ive been having a lot of trouble with life lately, and in response to it, Ive been under the influence for 99.9% of the last month... it sucks, i feel sick all...
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Time for my once a few months update... no longer with the gf, no longer sober, no longer broke, im starting a not-so-legit business... so yeah, lifes been FUCKING GREAT!!!!!! I hate having people that chain you down from doing the shit you love, even if its not "good" for you.

I might have to quit my job to go to EDC... yes, my priorities...
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rawk on keep living life man
Not much has been up lately. Girlfriend got in car accident and went thru the windshield... shes doing fine but is still having some trouble walking, as her knee (with arthritis) went thru the glovebox.

GOT MY OWN FUCKING APARTMENT! forgot if i said it the last time i was here. Im so fucking sick of roommates.

Rain rain go away come again some other...
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HapPy BiRtHdAy!!! biggrin
sorry to hear about your gf, I hope she feels better soon and everything is ok.
YAY Im back. It seems my fav model is gone, as is my only friend on here. Bah. Anyways... gotta fuck with my profile and poke around the new site design.

rwar hoo hoo hoo, Yes my favorite model is gone too, this chick named Bug, she was my idol, and now she is gone! Omg she was the master of photogenic contrast! I joined this site coz of her, now only a handfull of goodness and style remains.......... :[

Thanks for the inpute on my dilemea, it is good food for thought, have fun tongue

So this is it. Im quitting. Everything. (well not everything, but I can stop smoking bowls and drinking whenever, its not like i do them more than a few times a month anyways) If I can't do it, then its rehab time. I'm not letting some dirty fucking meth crystals ruin my life for me. (Im totally capable of doing it for myself, thank you! hehe) I made a promise to a friend on my favorite DJ (Q-BERT!!) that I wouldn't touch it until the next rave we're all going to, and he'd buy my ticket.

Right now I'm scared shitless of this stuff. I don't want to see it anymore. Ever. Anything that makes me feel like I can't function without it needs to fall off the Earth.

I think I should be OK, ive only been doing it for a month, and have plenty of distractions to keep me busy: steering wheel on my computer (x-mas to myself smile ), SG account re-activated (another present to self) beer, (woo!!) and a best friend thats quitting with me. Theres lots more but I forgot tongue
It was fun while it lasted, but my SG account is no more on the second of october. IAM on bmezine,com has always been my home and always will be, so for now, i retreat. I only met one person on here, Knickers, who was pretty damn cool, and probably the only person that might read this anyways. So bye Knickers, cya elsewhere.
WAS pretty damn cool!! *gives you a noogie* see y'all around on aim...
If someone stopped this beat Id be a gonner for sure. But its still here. It never lets me down. Cant say that for anything else.

Unpacked my lights and put them up. Now my room is mine. I'm gonna start look into sound activated lighting, mine just kinda sits and flashes or makes things glow.

Wish i could afford a gas laser, hehe.
No strobe?

The beat goes on.
agh good god, so much going right. FINALLY smile

*got my fire poi in the mail
*moved out
*passed my license test and got my license
*bought an AC for my room
*got all the equipment and now split DSL with the guy renting the room next to me

its the best shit in the world when you dont have a phone so your mom cant...
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My piercer (*raaawr*) let me stretch my own septum to 10, and it was super fun. She did my friends monroe too. I just got used to having the 12ga circ. barbell in it, now its 10 and it feels like uber-boogers again frown AND IT STILL REEKS. I hugged my piercer like 300 times. I lufffffffffff her.

A couple of nights ago, I went to the beach with my neighbor and this beautiful girl and we spun fire and hung out. it was very, very chill

And finally, Ive lost track of how long its been since ive done hard drugs. But is that good or bad?
have you found the underground hard house station? so good it makes me want to pee in my pants. i think you can find it on digitally imported.
Stress blows. I moved my stereo and computer and bed today, so I'm on my step-brothers comp and I have to clear the history and crap so he doesnt find the site. I have no music and no bed so Im just really really sad.

How am I going to cheer up, you ask? I think I'm going to go sample some music at Grooveriders...
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That sounds pretty cool. Where's it located?

I do the same thing at Amoeba. But I always feel lame there, seeing as it's a hangout spot for indie hipsters.
just found yer profile in the rave group. thought i'd drop you a line... howdy!
Got in a fight with my banks fraud people over an order that magically appeared on my statement today... after about an hour it turned out to be my fire poi order and i was really embarassed. i cant fucking wait for those things to show up in the mail. im SOOO looking forward to accidently bursting into flames smile In other news, I got a...
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yay for fire poi... i do those... not well but i do them... i mainly juggle fire though, i'm better at it smile

HOOO-LEEEEEEEE shit. Hooray for sex on E. Sweet Jesus.

In other news... went to the 3rd annual SoCal BME BBQ on Saturday. T'was fucking awesome.

My PA stretching is healing!! finally...
mad mad mad mad mad
lost my earlobes today. had to take them out for work and they started closing cause they werent healed all the way. i could have forced them in but theres no point in causing that much pain when id just have to do it everyday and they arent gonna heal like that. Im saving the plugs and get them redone when i get a different...
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Got my septum pierced at 12ga on Thursday. hurrah!! My piercer says I'm like a kid in a candy store when I go in. My piercer = mm mm MMMM!!! love
Congragulations, and welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy it here.

PS. Who pays you to be a full time raver, I looked for that job for years tongue