My grandmother passed away today so i'll be in NY the rest of the week...
im still in ky... i will be here til August... im very sorry to hear about your grandmother.... i hope you are doing ok...
Yes I'm back... been a long tough few months and about to be the same again.
Lost my mother about 6 months ago and now about to lose my grandmother to terminal cancer.
Other than that nothing much has changed. Still work all the time and busy doing photoshoots.
Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend and I'll update later when i get home from...
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I'll be leaving the site this month.....
if you want to keep in touch still

AIM: JZSquirrel
Y! : ravenspedigree
myspace: /jrmphotonc
email : jmyatt@jrmphotonc.com
My mother passed away today!!! All I have to say.... frown frown frown
I'm sorry!! huggsss
Thanks hun. I'm up in NY right now tending to things here but will be back next week
Doesn't seem like anyone ever reads these anymore... hence why I hardly update anymore.

Been a stressful last couple of weeks.

Wrecked my car 2 weeks ago. Now it's totaled and I am carless for a couple weeks.

Work has cut back to 4 day weeks now so alot less cash coming in.

Just got back from NY this morning after being up in Albany...
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What a fucking week...
Mon-Wed bad days at work...
Today... Got in a fucking wreck and totaled my car...
Tomorrow's agenda.... who knows ... get struck by lightning!?

Hope everyone's doing better than i am today..

so been MIA lately... work sucks and has been keeping me busy. Also been busy with shoots and dealing alot with no-shows alot lately which has been driving me insane.

Had a halloween party last night which started my night well but went to leave and my car's dead. Ended up my starter was shot. Spent most of this morning tracking a new one down....
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Have you ever gotten to the point where the only people/friends you hear from are the ones who want something or you to do something for them? Seems like that's the way it is now adays. Oh well... life still sucks and nothing else is new.
Nothing new really.... I'll be doing shoots this weekend in and around Hickory and Asheville if anyone is interested in doing any. Just let me know.

I'll also be working in Fayetteville next weekend.
Staying busy so nothing else is really new.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I need to convince my boy into letting me try being an SG. When I do, (trust me, it will happen), i'll let you know so you can take my pictures.
yeah too late for me, but if you'd taken a great set of me and it made it on she could have eaten all of her comments about how "ugly" i am!
What a shitty weekend so far... took friday off to go out of town for a shoot just to turn around have 4 of 6 shoots this weekend cancelled do to rain. And today, the 2 scheduled, haven't been able to reach or heard from them since thursday. So nice long boring weekend.

Other than that nothing new. Just working and killing time. Hope everyone...
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