I never thought I could be this tired... I am so tired I cant even pick up my head. Nursing has really been taking it out of me lately. I dont know if its that I'm getting more emotionally involved with some of my patient's cases to the point of exhaustion, or if it is just being on my feet for 12 hours again. This...
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lol, yep, we're all winners here tongue

I see where you're coming from with what you said in your journal, but think about how many people that are out there that can't even get a job... just food for thought, mean nothing by it smile
I would just like to say tonight that my best friend Brina is awesome and if any girl wants to "take her oustide" again I will gladly go out and beat some ass for her anytime any place. Don't fuck with my friends. I am not a big girl.. but I play raquetball damnit and I have a mean ass back hand...
The drug Vioxx got recalled voluntarily by the drug company that produces it because of the risk of stroke and heart attack in the patient.

ABC news reported that Vioxx is no more effective than Ibuprofen in reducing pain. Vioxx is currently used in people with chronic pain such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The way that the drug works is by blocking only the cox 2...
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AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am so broke right now. I hate being broke.. I have to do happy hour for the next week or so to slow down the outflow of cash.. doesn't help that Brina wants to go out all the time. I can never say no to that girl.. corrupter.. that and the smoking thing.. I actually quit for a couple weeks until last night.....
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kick ass.... bought the best drink in the whole world... kool-aid bursts (almost squeez-its) good stuff
In all the business this week, I forgot to post some most interesting news.

A while ago, I worked for a Hospital on the North end of OKC.

Well, this week, I get a call from one of the Nurses I worked with telling me that Macaulay Culkin was arrested not too far from the hospital.

What was really funny was the way I was...
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What is wrong with the frozen food industry today? They got rid of the little chicken nuggets meal with the sauce and the brownie... this is so depressing!!
It is an industry. That is what's wrong. Obviously, they weren't making enough money so the desires of little ol' ratchet are thrown out the window. What a bunch of assholes. Until next time...
How sad is it when you go to Hooters to get trashed in the middle of the day?

Brina and I are losers.. big time ooo aaa
I am soooooooooo tired. Didn't sleep at all last night But that's OK because it's friday and Brina is off work tonight!!

Everytime I go out I hear "faithfully" makes me miss my friend Chad. Why did he have to Move to MD. So unfair. He was the most awesome person to hang out with (aside from Brina). We would grab random girls' asses, and...
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Yeah, this town sucks. On the plus side, it is about to get a hell of a lot cooler. How does an informal SG meeting sound. Right here in Colorado Springs. It is 10:30 am tomorrow at Pikes Perk. Can you make it? That would be cool. It should be no less than about 6 of us and we would love for you to be there...Until next time...