Bought a shitload of records over the past week because of a record sale and because I was bored.

Nebraska (used to have it on tape): you know it, you love it

Some Nick Drake stuff - wanted to get this for a while. Low-key, but good. It will take a while for this to get to me.

Dire Straits' first record: Not feeling this,...
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The same way that there is now an artificial shortage of diamonds in the world, will it soon be possible to create an artificial shortage of information? Right now, it's taken for granted that among the documents retrieved from a search query on google a good chunk of them are valuable. However, what if you're an anthropologist invetigating current rites among young people and want...
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Stop thinking in terms of "I want..." or "I will...". All of these phrases should be "I have...". You will have to be very disciplined to do this.

At the end of this week you should be able to say:

-I have set up my web site
-I have written the calendar app
-I have bought a digital camera

This is pretty interesting:

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hi welcome to the SG jazz group


Get your act together. Why are you looking at nekkidness when you should be studying for the exam?