last week i went to the final halifax burlesque society show "Burlesque Goes Bust." It was my first show, same for the friends of mine that went. now im all sad that there will be no more shows. it drew huge crowds, and two f-ing long line ups, one for those with tickets and one for those without. i stayed for the first half crammed...
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i want a top hat. i want a willy wonka top hat. but not the weird fake fabric kind... i want a real top hat. theyre so expensive though. i dont think i have 100$ or more to spend on it. that is pretty much what top hats go for. frown
Hi there, Don Quixotica!

I was just doing some random journal browsing and here I am! Now a cool Willy Wonka top hat - find Halifax's prop houses. I'm sure they got'em, they supply prop's for the movie and TV industry. Find put when they're having a sale, or if they've got one they'll sell you. They useually have a sale once a year and sell off last years props (that are paid for by the industry but they don't actually keep them. Might work. Or there's Good-will.

Just a suggestion. I lived in Halifax for 14 months in 98-99. Hi!
purolator sucks. they keep delivering my speakers to the wrong apartment. now im stuck at home all day, hopeing that THIS time they get it right. frown

im excited to get them though, they are the jbl creature II speakers... in black! they look like evil alien pods or shrunken darthvader blobs. thats the only way to describe them.
the thing i hate about shopping at the salvation army is that there are always gross old men going through the lingerie section. they just stand there, slowing going through the selections.

at first i thought this was just a bizarre occurance, as the first time it happened the guy was also carrying a naked barbie doll hed picked up from the toy section. i...
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mmm. jordan's morning crisp. its granola with chocolate chips! so healthy, but still chocolaty yummyness.

now i need to stop surfing SGs and get to work.

why do i never seem to get anything done??? whatever surreal
Have you ever tried the Strawberry Morning Crisp? I eat it pretty much religiously every day mixed with some ginger zing granloa and vector.

yes, i'm a complete freak

/random journal stalk
nope. i did try the fruit and nuts mix by jordans and added baking chocolate chips... but the experiment sorely failed.