FYI, when your laptop goes to hell, it sucks ass. Just as a side note. I'vebeen MIA because of it, sorry folks! I'm currently hijacking my roommates laptop so I'm not totally lost.

Anyway, updates on life. I'm FINALLY going back to the artist, and it should be done in the next 2 weeks. I'm going to go in to look @ the artwork next...
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Yay to new tatttos and boo for broken laptops.
Good luck.

I'm so excited! Tomorrow (really later today), I'm going to the Baltimore Tattoo Museum to talk to an artist about getting something done. It's a Christmas present from my friend Todd, who is more awesome than Velcro shoe fasteners (quick! kid show reference!), and I wanted him to come with me, but he has to work, boo. Sad face! And I want to get it...
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LOL talk about a small world. I haven't seen them since High School. I've know them since freshman year, funny dudes. When you get the chance if you see them, tell themy I said hi. So did you end up speaking with your tattoo artist about getting your chef pinup done?
Frustrating is the best way to put it, I know. I had to reschedule my appointment to the 23rd because my artist still hasn't drawn up the design because he's been too busy. If calling doesn't work you should try and go talk to him in person.
More improvement, 3:30. Or as close to it till I get dried off. And I showered. Hooray!

New thing: I want a roommate, not someone else's stuff randomly strewn about.

And I will go to the classes that I'm not dropping tomorrow.
Improvement, instead of 7:30 with a fitful 4 hours of sleep, I'm going to bed @ 4:45. I'm impressed. Now, if I can get the rest of myself in order, I might be OK. Might being the key word. But I don't know anymore. My theory is that the uncertainty is going to be my undoing.

But I WILL go to ALL of my classes...
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Oh ok, so then that means you're closer to Frederick Rd. I always take 355 into frederick rather than taking 270 for some reason it seems like it's faster. I think in Montgomery County senior year was the best year for every HS student.

Good job going to bed earlier. I went to bed at 3 something and I woke up 20 mins ago at 5:20 and I have work at 6 and I haven't left yet. Procrastination at its finest haha.
I'm starting to think that there's something wrong with me..... like not just a little off kilter, but really and truly wrong. Like I'm depressed. I can't sleep, school has nothing interesting to offer, and I get the feeling that if I lost my friends, I'd be truly fucked. This is ridiculous, and I hate it. I hate this funk, and I hate this path...
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They go all the way to Clarksburg? That's stupid, it's on the other side of 270. They need to fix the boundary lines because that's just ridiculous.

I used to have insomnia because of depression too, definitely not fun. Do you have that weird feeling of complacency?
Thanks for commenting on me & Saint's rejected set (A late "thank-you", but a "thank-you" nonetheless! wink )
I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I hope you're feeling better...

I got my industrial on my left ear done last (Tuesday) night. It makes me super happy. Currently, it's still a little sore, but getting it done, not very painful at all. Done by Alan @ Read Street Tattoo in Baltimore, he is fabulous! Did it very quickly. Pierced with a 12 ga needle, 14 ga bar, to allow the jewelry some wiggle...
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Haha. I went and got my nipples pierced last weekend and my teeth were literally chattering I was so hyped up. Luckily I've got a piercer that can talk me down too. Yay new piercings! Someday I shall get the courage to do my industrial (I dread not being able to sleep on my right ear normally though).
HAHA actually yes, it is Lakeforest. And apparently over here the ice started melting because all I saw outside were big puddles everywhere. So did you go to Northwest or Seneca Valley High School? I was just wondering because you have Boyds listed as your hometown.
Two awesome things in my life: SFX Blue Velvet hair (indigo), and 2 ga lobes.

Not so awesome, how I don't know if I'll pass chemistry. Fuck.

EDIT: One more thing....

Fuck the Patriots! GO GIANTS!! They deserved to win!
So, I went to the SGDC night, @ the Green Turtle, and OMG it was a blast! I got to hang out with xkonstantinex, who I haven't seen since last June, and it made me smile. Audiostrobelight was awesome too, really glad they came up here. I've been wanting to see them since this video.

You must watch it, you will die laughing. So...
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Thanks so much hun! How have you been I haven't heard from you in a while!
I'm glad you has a good time at DC night and I hope everything goes well with school try to relax inbetween busyness!
Merry Christmas all, if you're of that type. Happy Yule/Solstice is thats more your thing. Whatever, I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed myself, got a bunch of stuff I can't afford from other people. It was nice. And now people won't be so crazy at stores and such..... well that may not be entirely true, now you get returns. But for the most part,...
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Merry christmas to U
so i think we're gonna head up there on monday afternoon cause my friend has to work in the morning sooo we won't need a place to crash.

i can't wait to see you!
My holiday list, please feel free to get me something.

Removal of my inhibitions
Some will power
A job where I can dye my hair blue/purple and get my lip re-pierced, at least for a little while
My hair to grow out faster
Or conversely, a fabulous haircut
The need to clean
More shoes
Stopping the construction outside my place (Write angry letters to Towson...
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okay... how short of a hair cut would you like and how long is it now.... i will find you a fantastic haircut
that shouldn't be too hard to find something... what is the shortest you would want it... like to your shoulders?