I am as offended by every non-believer shoving their disbelief as I am those shoving their belief. Just be kind and respectful.

While I have refrained from embarking in religious discussions with anyone who is more eager to hear what they have to say than what others have to share, today I allowed myself to get angry over an opinion. I disdain giving it enough...
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There is a price to be paid for not following your heart or dreams. Some would say it falls simply into not having them fulfilled, but I correlate it to the premise, that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will...
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The Conflict within sometimes is easy to see.

I remembered a favored saying of Confucious "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it". I believe in the need to see and share this message daily, in each moment.

Kony 2012 - Invisible Children

You don't want to know me, because I will actually listen.

One of the challenges with being introverted stems from finding others more interesting than they want you see. The idea of who we are, can cloud us from being aware of what people actually see when they are really watching and listening.

I am a people watcher, but more importantly a listener. I do...
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