I figured out how to play the Tetris theme on my bass, 'Tis a goodly day.
There was a time in my life when I despised my father. That's OK. I was seventeen and seventeen-year-olds are supposed to despise their parents, otherwise they have no impetus to leave the house. It is only in the last two years that I have found a deep appreciation for all my parents gave to me, and just how much I am like my father....
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Interesting comments:

"Cheap hoes aren't prostitutes, they're cheap hoes."
"Republicans don't need diversity; they have God."

I pick up and interpret correctly a lot of signs (nonverbal communication) from people. My problem lies in differentiating between those people wanted me to see and those people were trying to keep hidden.
A poem...ish:


Not a poet am I.

I know I know this
is a poem.
It has the form and
function, but lacks the true character.
That certain essence of
truth or beauty or art or life
you will not find here.

This is a complaint, diatribe of
a mad man caught twixt a
rock and a hard mind.
A mind that seems to...
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I wish I could write. Words have an extraordinary power that transcends the boundaries of action and thought by inspiring both simultaneously. Yet they do not come, or if they do they lack the required elegance and panache to bear any measurable fruit. One day maybe...

Some people like spring because it is a time of renewal. The world awakens from its slumber into a...
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Yes, I have problems showing emotion. Logic has predictable outcomes, I know what will happen when I enter into a debate with someone. Exchanges in which emotion is involved do not lead to foreseeable outcomes, which is why I tend to avoid them, but not really on purpose; It's a knee-jerk reaction by now. For this I apologize. Believe me there are many times many...
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I want to be social, I really do. One could even argue that in a college environment I don't have a choice in the matter. All the same, I'm a 22 year-old freshman living amongst upper class men with well-formed social networks or freshmen who are still adjusting to life away from home, especially the availability of alcohol and the notion it might be OK...
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I had an epiphanic discovery today, well, perhaps more of a diagnosis. Persons with seasonal affective disorder suffer depressed moods due to a lack of sunlight. I am the same way except with music. If I don't get enough music in my day I tend to feel worse. This is a good thing to know I think.
Desperation: Writing in a public journal that you know full well no one will read, but writing nonetheless in the thin hope of alleviating slightly the feelings of utter loneliness. I realize fully how pathetic I am, but continue onward as I know of nothing else to do.

Musings: (Most of these don't make much sense out of context, but I am mostly writing them...
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Shit! I'm here, and I'm reading your blog! And yes, onwards and upwards you crazy fool! smile
Finally got around to prioritizing favorite SGs. Also decided I am way to lazy to bother with favorite pics, there are far too many, but I did leave the one of Elara as that is the picture that got me to join SG in the first place.