I found a new word today. "Han" is a Korean word that suitably fits me.


Everyday I come up with new analogies, but no solutions. Fuck this game.
I wrote a limerick:

There once was a man with a mind
to look at nothing but your behind.
'Til one day he trekked
up your back and your neck
saw your beautiful eyes, and went blind.

I recited it to a friend of mine - Emma - and she asked me about whom I had written it. I told her I wrote it for...
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An open letter from me to women:

The main obstacle between myself and a meaningful, or even just purely physical, relationship right now is the fact that every woman, especially those whom I befriend - or, as is the case here, see naked pictures of - embodies of all the good in life that will forever be denied to me by my past actions and...
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You know, this is pretty decent writing and it certainly conveys my feelings as clearly as I understand them. Some would say this kind of self-awareness is good, and it is, but knowledge is only half the battle, and despite what the G.I. Joes might imply, knowledge is the easy half.
The other interesting note is that I did this stone sober. Usually it takes a certain amount of intoxication for these sort of things to come up to the point I feel compelled to jot them down. I must have had an unsettling evening. Oh wait, every evening is unsettling, I just exited this one with enough energy and motivation to write about it. And then write about writing about it. Right, I'm done now.
I am not much of a Rolling Stones fan. I like a lot of their songs - mostly the seemingly less popular ones like Sympathy for the Devil and Shattered - but overall their sound just doesn't jive with me much. There are a couple of lines though that have struck a chord lately.

"...and I just can't seem to drink her off my mind."...
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I have the most surreal conversations sometimes. (Don't we all)

On Saturday my sister's husband shipped off to Iraq. Saturday night she called and we talked. My sister has never been comfortable alone, so it mostly consisted of her saying "I don't know" and me saying "Yes that's true." She's going to miss him; it's not going to be easy. Here comes the surreal bit:...
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This is how the conversation would go, if it happened strictly on my terms:

How's it going?
Tough question. Do you mean how is it going right this instant, or were you thinking more generally?
Do the two differ?
Yes. This instant I am good, great even. The larger picture is bleaker.
Why is that?
I am restless.
Why are you restless?
There are some...
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I need someone to tell stories to. I need to know that this person has time and actually wants to hear. This week has been fairly miserable, mostly stemming from the fact that I was up all Sunday night, and so my sleeping has been erratic at best, throwing the rest of my schedule into utter chaos and disorder, frequently resulting in missed obligations and...
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I tend to procrastinate most concerning the things at which I excel. It is a combination of boredom and the arrogance that stems from the deeply seeded notion that I can do them quickly and whenever I choose. A corollary of this statement may explain why so many people get jobs in fields that have nothing to do with their undergraduate degrees. Who wants to...
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I figured out how to play the Tetris theme on my bass, 'Tis a goodly day.
There was a time in my life when I despised my father. That's OK. I was seventeen and seventeen-year-olds are supposed to despise their parents, otherwise they have no impetus to leave the house. It is only in the last two years that I have found a deep appreciation for all my parents gave to me, and just how much I am like my father....
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Interesting comments:

"Cheap hoes aren't prostitutes, they're cheap hoes."
"Republicans don't need diversity; they have God."

I pick up and interpret correctly a lot of signs (nonverbal communication) from people. My problem lies in differentiating between those people wanted me to see and those people were trying to keep hidden.
A poem...ish:


Not a poet am I.

I know I know this
is a poem.
It has the form and
function, but lacks the true character.
That certain essence of
truth or beauty or art or life
you will not find here.

This is a complaint, diatribe of
a mad man caught twixt a
rock and a hard mind.
A mind that seems to...
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