...soooooo hopefully everybody was as lucky as me to get to their FINAL DESTINATION even if it took me about 3 days...arghhh....but some hot Grog already helped to make it all better and I'm digging the snow in Germany....
happy Holidays and lots of naughty gifts under the xrated trees...xoxoxo
what sorta gifts are we talkin about?
MAgic wands,bullets, boardgames, pickles, comon' you know what kind of gifts...I like the ones that are still warm or alive lol
So, flights been delayed to England...if I make it I probably will be sleeping at the airport...I think I will just do what I always do amuse myself at the other people being all stressed out and enjoy some Cadbury while I'm there smile...
Sometimes I hate being such an optimist lol.....
Hope you had a safe journey! smile
Hope you're where you wanna be now wink
have a blast with the whole glhwein thing! merry xmas to you!
No fucking way...Heathrow airport is shut down....wow...let's see if I'll be really going anywhere tomorrow...what is going on Europe?? Frau Holle please stop shaking your beds out! smile
Hey PussyCat

Darl its just not Europe ... Im in Aust and we are meant to have 30c days here atm and ilts cold raining hail and down @ 15c

Not happy Jan frown
A differnt destination would be cool ... The Chrissie present you didnt expect lol
awww thanks guisel smile
and Mr. TattooedMac yeah brrrrrr I know I am alredy shivering....although I must say I do miss it...here in the part of Cali where I live it's never going to be that cold...right now it's raining...so not that fun either but I don't think there will be snow ever lol.... stay warm smile
Geeez louize I can't get rid of this fucking cold! Still coughing like I smoked the Marlboro Man himself.
Every time I watch Breaking Bad and see Bryan Cranston's character cough because he has lung cancer I sound like him - not kidding! I really love that show by the way and I have to giggle whenever I see Aaron Paul aka Jesse Pinkman cause...
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awww so thoughtful smile)
and thank you let's see if I'll be going cause Europe is snowed in smile
...and it's fucking cold here too! don't know if the Glhwein stands the weather and fights your cold, but it sure tastes good... and the more the better. It's been a long time I've had one myself. Any recipe to share?
Blah...I haven't seen a good show for a while....I really need my rock n roll fix....I guess I'll be seeing X next week...hope they are worth it...and then hopefully I'll be seeing some good shows in Germany....
But if ya got some good advice for some shows next week or any new great bands I should be listing to ...hit me up smile
Hello darling!
hello back darling Lucifer smile
So I was wondering about the whole wikileaks situation. If the ordinary person out there has access to classified documents how come so many people are forbitten - including military contractors & people in public service etc. even friends of mine - from looking at them? Technically shouldn't that makes them not be classified anymore? This is very bizarre....
and this is what the government...
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Unauthorized possession of government property of any type is a crime...PERIOD!! For example, let's say someone stole a Stinger Anti-Aircraft Missile from the Government and gave it to you. Even though you didn't steal it, it would still be illegal for you to possess it!! Information that is the property of the Federal Government is no different!!

As for those wanting to read this material, I would consider that a very foolish risk to take. Anything significant in the data has already been reported on the news, so putting yourself at risk by drawing yourself to the attention of the various U..S. Government's Anti-Terrorist Cyber Opt's forces would have to be a monumental exercise of poor judgement!! Once you've caught the eye of these organizations, nothing in your life will ever be private or sacred again, trust me on that!!
I don't know. I don't agree with you on that. Maybe because I wasn't born and raised here in the US and I know that the country where I am from sees these things differently.
I see a big difference in accepting a missile or information that is all over the internet that is only embarrassing but not really from value. The US just needs to learn from this and make these things not that easy to obtain.
Thank you for trying to explain it to me, I give you that smile but yeah I think journalism always played a big part in making sure that governments don't just do what they want to do and if they can get it that easy than people who could really do damage from it could do it too.Once the government goes out and tells people who wouldn't even know what the fuck to do with this information - people will just be more curious about it.
Sorry I think it is not a good way to do damage control.
This is a very sad day. Jess the Mess singer of the BROKEN BOTTLES ( one of my favorite bands) died today.
RIP Jess I'll be drinking in the rain for ya....frownwhatever

i'm sorry .....i'm close to you ....my dear their sound is fantastic !!a lots of hugs to you magic friend !!!
Thank you smile That means a lot to me. He wasn't a very close friend but I admired him and he was such a talented musician. So sad...way too young to pass away....
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk my new i-phone 4....is Dead.
Any Doctor Frankenstein's out there who know how to resurrect it? Common smile
ARRR!!!EL SUICIDO LOCOoinkbokmiao!!pukeskullrobotblackeyedsurrealeeekmadoinkARRR!!!madARRR!!!madwhateverfrownmadARRR!!!eeekARRR!!!mad
Have you tried hard re setting it ? If you hold down the home button and the on button till the apple logo comes on (it can take a while , like 30-60 sec if its not a bad problem and just needs a reset but 1.5-2 min if it needs something more serious). If you have to do the one where it takes almost 2 min you'll have to sync up with your itunes and hopefully youve done it recently and youll still have all your info, if not i dunno what could help!

All the best , Daniel
Thank you darling, well it actually fell into a bathtub OUCH...but I've been drying it and it went back to live...still a little wonky but it works smile xx

and this one here also from the very first show...haha...we play this shit now so much faster...funny...
wow too amazing!!!great music!!!a lots of hugs
Damn....I need to post some A + IN EVIL videos...my new all girl punk band smile
So much fun to play with only ladies and these girls rock....I love them...no drama just fun fun fun and rock n roll!

and a video from our very first show smile
My friend Hell made this video for my band SILENT MEOW smile
I think it came out fucking fabulous!
Let's go to hell
A new week and a new opportunity to fuck up my life or try to make it better. What will it be? Let the russian roulette begin lol....