Sooo... it has been a while since I have been on here. How is every one lol hope all is well I know my last post was lil depressing to say the least lol. But I am back to my usual self 100% and can't be any happier to start this new chapter of my life.
Ever try your hardiest and give something all you have to be better and give more then 100% of time, mental, physical effort, but then to have everything you have done all the time you have invested in it all the hard work you have put forth the blood sweat and tears only to watch it crumble and fall apart in your hands and watch...
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Can't say I can relate to what you're feeling...but can imagine how much that would suck... Hope you had a great night and things are working out for you!
Thank you and I wish they were but it just seems down hill but its OK life goes on.
Well I think i have picked a camera to start this hobby with I will start with a Sony DSLR A100 I'm thinking eBay maybe lol. I still have to get my plastidip kit for my car and get ready for paint, unfortunately all this rain I have yet to paint the other rims. frown but soon every thing should be ready.
Note to self: don't ever sell something to a friend unless they have the full amount of cold hard cash in their hand at that time. Never letting a friend buy one of my ATV's and making payments. New policy is you better have the full amount with you or your walking away empty handed.
awe that SUCKS frown
Been thinking lately about taking up photography as a hobby. My friend Joe who is a photographer said I have a creative mind and could more than likely be good at it. Usually at the photo shoots me and him talk about ideas and think of new creative things. So I guess I will try it out just wondering if any one has any suggestions...
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id go canon! i LOVE my t3 rebel i need some new lenses like hardcore, but i can wait lol , and the new sony alpha is epical! not sure bout its capability for raw images havent read that section yet but always remember, its not alway the cam its the photographer and i think youll be great at it smile
Joe ( the photographer that took the pics) recommended Sony because its what he learned on. I have been looking online all morning trying to research a good beginner camera. And thank you i hope I'm OK at it
Oh my way beyond tipsy right now. Need a cig and another shot but on a super crazy good note I have 500 monster can tabs yep can anyone say addict. But at least i can get a shirt a backpack a hoodie and other cool monster energy products biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin totally Rad yep
hahahahaha its the things like this that make you awesomely badass! tongue
Its Sunday blah.... seems like everyone is taking a nap. Tomorrow is Monday which means I have to go back to work blah lol but at least I will get to order some stuff for my car and get it fixed ordering all the paint supplies I need and the off to the junk yard to find a new hood and prep for paint.
yay monster mobile! tongue
Well unfortunately I'm having a shitty day this just sucks its not even lunch time and my day sucks already. Sometimes I just wish things were different. Hate days like this. But aside from that I'm going to try and work on my car hopefully after work, maybe that will help me clear my head a lil bit hope the rest of you have a...
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doll i totally feel ya today is the fucking worst ever!!!!!!!!!! hope it gets better
Thanks and same to you smile
So got some new ideas for my car lol. Haven't really been able to o to much since it has been raining and storming alot. But it did stop for about 10 min and saw one of the coolest things ever a double rainbow and it was complete and bright as hell. Definitely goes on my list of coolest things IV seen in my life...
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OK its been a min since I have posted lol. But here is the latest scoop today has been a effing fantastic day. Got one rim for project stealth painted and ready (1 down 3 to go lol) finding a place to use a booth for paint. Best thing about working at a dealership is we might be able to borrow a paint booth from...
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Its only Tuesday.......boo. lol but on a serious note if I have to go any longer with out my contacts I'm going to loose my mind it has been since Thursday since I have been with out them and its really hard to work on cars when i can't see to well. frown
why dont ya have em ? be careful!!!!
Some one through out my contacts and no it wasn't me lol
OK so I have been here for 5 days now and let me say.....
this place is awesome, there are really cool people to talk to on here. They have beautiful models here and they have a group and forum for almost anything found 1 that I can share my art work. Found another about cars and all the technical stuff, and another about conspiracy...
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Thank you smile It was a, I have 5 minutes to do my hair, kind of morning but it worked lol
Glad youre liking the site too smile
yaaay!! glad your having fun with it!! wink