My days are becoming increasingly rediculous.
I have my alarm set for 9:00. I wake up at 11:00, sit around half naked until I need to go to my volunteer training, and then get dressed.
Sometimes, I eat. Sometimes I shower.
But I'm getting paid unemployment for this? Wow.
You know that friend of yours? The one who is so hot you have to use your hand to close your jaw? The one that is sexxy, but you'd rather be friends with, though your gut doesn't understand that?
Yeah, I spent all day with her yesterday. She's really cool. She's so happy all the time, and she designs clothes, and she travels fucking everywhere....
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yeahhh, stupid birth control.
I heard, on NPR today, some fatherfucker professor speaking about the US's greatest foreign policy challenges for 2004.
Hugo Chavez was high on the list, for he is "an authoritarian, anti-democratic president elected democratically." They wonder how the US can find a way to sway the vote against him in the upcoming recall.
WTF are these people thinking? How is it that they can be...
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go to trent harris's site and you can email him an order. last year I got the Beaver Trilogy, Orkly Kid is pt. 2... you can even get Rubin and Ed! ANd Plan 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s. so, you live in Denver, too?
this government makes me want to stab myself.
not the least of which is because I am still hunting for a damn job and no one will hire me. are you still out of work?
Tonight is the longest night of the year. Maybe I'll get some! (Did I hear somebody laugh? FUCK YOU TOO BUDDY!)
Well, I missed the SG Holiday Party. Too bad.
What was good was the Aquabats show. In fact, it was amazing! I danced, and sang into the microphone, and the Bat Commander pulled HARD on my beard, and it was just so fun.

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people don't seem to know how to catch people stagediving anymore. of course, backflipping is pretty dumb--it's usually a good thing to try and look where you're going when you're trusting a roomful of strangers to catch your ass.
Wow, just missed ya, huh? Well boo.
It was extreeeeeemely cold today, but they say tomorrow will be warmer. We'll see....
4 more days of work....

5 more days until the amazing Aquabats show....
bah. bring the prude. we're de-pruding the roommate while we're at it.... wink

I promise, no nudity, and I haven't gotten my Hustler subscription yet.
I feel like now that I will not have a job, I can be a punk and an anarchist even MORE without apology.
Doing political work, even if it is revolutionary, means you have to be "acceptable" to the mainstream bs norms, and now I don't have to do that!
Sadly, I may now have to get some corporate job to fucking pay rent. What...
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don't you just hate needing to work?

freelancing, I have decided, is the ultimate punk rock paycheck. especially if someone would pay me to write a column of my opinions every month. Goodness knows I've got enough of them. wink
I got the Kelsey romance (he's an extra NPC a female character can have a romance with...since there's only one guy officially in the game that is romance-able, and three women...that just ain't fair)

There are a lot of great mods at http://www.forgottenwars.net/, but I have never seen a mod for Tales of the Sword Coast, which I've never been able to finish.
There's nothing to raise moral in a work setting than setting folks against each other and then letting the senior person go for not being as experienced as the new person.
And there's nothing that ruins discipline and motivation better than knowing that you won't have a job in about 2 weeks.
Why would I want to get anything done? Really? What can I get...
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What games do you want?
fuck work. let's go bowling! hope to see you there...
I was laid off today. It is strange; I'm not so much sad, just scared that I will mess up and find myself in a bad position soon in the future once again.
The tree outside my window is finally turning a brilliant shade of yellow, seemingly a month too late.
My plants are dying from lack of sun.
My sinuses are dying from allergies and cold.
It is almost winter, it seems, and that is great! I'm not sure why, but it is.

Send your love to Miami and to the revolutionaries in the hot Miami streets!
It is official: I can't seem to add new friends.
erm, not sorry about what?
i get the feeling that im about to feel really stupid for not catching whatever that was...
p.s. i too dig ursula le guin. have you read the lathe of heaven?
I'm all full of Against Me! energy.
They are coming back on the 18th, and I'm quickly memorizing all their new songs, like its homework or something. Like, if I don't know all the words at the show, they'll boot me!

I haven't been this into a band since... I think since Nirvana! Oh... and those unfortunate NIN days....
Friend buttons are now on top of our profiles on the left column.

I don't speak Spanish, although I can understand some of it. Also, I will be in Mexico in a month. I'll look for the musicians anyway. I have the Frida soundtrack, various mexican punk music, and Control Machete (Mexican rap). I don't let language barriers create music barriers.

As for David Rovics' voice and "new folk". I prefer his voice to that of most "folk" music, esp. to the "60's era of folk" music which I find most unlistenable. You described how I feel about Bob Dylan, great lyricist, horrid singer. I prefer bluegrass to "folk".

I'd like to see Rovics' music covered by one of my favorite hardcore bands. I would not be suprised if Atila the Stockbrocker already has, as they are friends.
i think everyone had those unfortunate NIN days wink
funny, i haven't been this into a band since nirvana either...
er, scratch that, i have, but i refuse to admit who it is!
It seems that, after 2 days to recover, my throat still hurts from screaming along to Against Me! on monday night a bit too much.
I've never had my throat be sore in this way before. I hope it is what I say....
Anyways, Against Me! is coming back this way on November 18th, and you better believe I'll be there, front and center, "dancing...
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i hope my throat is better by the time they come here on the 13th!
I saw them in Chicago in May and they played an awesome show. I need to see them play again soon.