Well, the good news is I can quit my evil job. The better news is I'm getting full time employment with the cool folks.

And now for a work of fiction:

Sometimes I like to sit on the dock and watch the water roll past. The way the shore runs is slightly comtrary to way the tide comes and and prevailing winds blow, so if...
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I've been thinking of going another route with my journal fromnow on. It'll be entirely short works of fiction from here until I decide otherwise.
Oh! Here's a first: my mother took me out to breakfast Sunday morning (she's cool like that) and for the first time in my life actually suggested setting me up with women she's met around town. Doctor's office, car wash, I don't know... "They're really nice girls, just a little dumpy; I don't know if that matters to you..." No mom, it doesn't matter, I'm...
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I'm still fighting a stupid cold. I'm going to have to pull out the stops and get really mean on it; take all the supplements I can get my hands on and eat tones of garlic and apples, and all that.

I think it's time to change my profile. It needs a drastic rewrite and I need to come up with a new picture. Maybe...
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Seems I'm getting sick. Maybe I'll make some fake-chicken Chicken Noodle Soup. That'd be yummy.
i need to buy some chicken noodle soup. i have the chicken flavored lipton noodle though... but that's just not the same.
it was icky, now it's better.
Insomnia is good for one thing I guess: I just wrote this nifty little story about being a warrior and it's implications through multiple incarnations. I think I'll type it up and show it around, get some opinions.
I had completely forgotten Booker myself. But Long Duck Dong will always be fresh in my mind.
Hoooo boy. Life is all about stress right now. But, I'm doing good, getting by, trying to keep happy, definately keeping sober, finding solutions to problems almost as fast as they arise. I really hope I get to take the vaction I've planning, come the end of the month.
I've decided to try the Buddhist path. Not that I'm Buddhist, I have my own well-defined beliefs, but I need something to serve as a spiritual guide. I've grown weary of a pained heart, weary of being misunderstood because of how I choose to relate myself to others, tired of hating people because they have no principles (I'd rather learn to be compassionate towards them...
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This is the translation I use. It's good, small, cheap, and has excellent notes and a little bit of analysis. smile
it definatly was the good kind of good
I'm trying to learn to be a better person. Mostly that seems to be a matter of refining social skills.
Is life always this hard? Has anyone seen a time when it was easy? How long did that last?
Just over three minutes in the mid 1970's.
Not a problem. smile