I'm experiencing this constant feeling that I've lived this all before. It used to be every now and then, but lately it's becoming more common.
to be or not to be?

Some philosopher once said "the only question worth asking is whether or not to commit suicide."
Watched a really interesting video awhile back. I'm curious as to what's on the other side. I have a fairly good idea but I'd like to see for myself.
We all view death in such a negative light,but from my perspective it's almost...
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I'm starting to believe that current events aren't the result of a conspiracy, but of absolute complete and utter sheer hopeless fucking stupidity. It just so happens that stupidity creates the infrastructure to totally enslave and obliterate itself.

I have to wonder to myself "why would I choose to reincarnate at such a time?"
The answer is so obvious, to watch the homomateria kill itself...
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Congressman Ron Paul (kicking ass) at the GOP Presidential Debate

Ron Paul Interviewed on Alex Jones
Protest coming up soon.
If people are smart they'll use theatricks and other forms art to shine light into darkness. If things take a violent turn it'll be used to take away our rights. We're going to loose all our rights inevitably, but there's no need to rush things. I'd recommend smoke bombs, fire works and lots of paint
Protest coming up soon.
If people are smart they'll use theatricks and other forms art to shine light into Harper's darkness. If things take a violent turn it'll be used to take away our rights. We're going to loose all our rights inevitably, but there's no need to rush things. I'd recommend smoke bombs, fire works and lots of paint
Protest coming up soon.
If people are smart they'll use theatricks and other forms art to shine light into Harper's darkness. If things take a violent turn it'll be used to take away our rights. We're going to loose all our rights inevitably, but there's no need to rush things. Smoke bombs and fire works
It's been too long since I've read T.A.Z. I've all but completely forgotten the majority of it.

I feel so shattered and scattered...
thanks for the link on the Bushkillings
Very boring entry ahead

I really do dislike the human race, really...

This past week I've been sicker than I can remember. I spent four days bed ridden, slept them right through. I only got up to watch Invader Zimm and South Park. I thought I had this thing beat two days ago but I'm still so depleted.

No work for three more weeks, hurray!!!...
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