I don't know if it appears the same to everyone, but Loe appears on my frieds list twice.

I must be lucky or something.
haha. midgets.... tongue
Sometimes life or time just does not move fast enough. I want to embrace the world at once and I have to wait for due course, whatever that might be. I feel a sense of urgency for the next minute, year, for whatever is next. This is not related to a sense of ennui; I have about as much going on in life as I...
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i typically dont have any trouble spoiling myself from time to time. i was morally opposed to the resurgence of the designer jeans tread. they could be responsible for much of the misery of my middle school years (circa Jordash, Calvins, Gloria Vanderbilt)
you got the link wrong, but i fixed it. but thanks, i can't wait to start riding in your town. excitement abounds!
Does anyone know of a goodwill or similar drop off point near midtown or downtown? I have some stuff left over to clear out, and really do not want to trash it because it is wearable.
There is a Salvation Army on Marietta St. Down by Georgia Tech. Here is the address, phone number & link from where I got it..

We have donated a lot of stuff to them; just bring your car around the side. They just did a renovation to the place. Haven't been in since then but Its probably the closest you are going to find.

edited to add link.

[Edited on Dec 08, 2005 10:46AM]

Awesome. Thanks guys!
Today was a decent day. I had been working on a pro-bono case involving an international child abduction, and we got a judgment ordering the return to Mexico of the little girl we were trying to help. I think there will be a nasty custody battle ahead of her family, but it feels good to do something worthwhile every once in a while. Funny thing...
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im also nocturnal, and it has its ups and downs.

for example, not being able to hang out with you kids because i work til 4 am. frown

i think it's very cool youre able to finally make some headway in assisting people. that doesnt seem like that darkside to me. wink
my favorite SGs are gone mad. Oh, well, at least now I have a new one.
'Tis mutual.
I assume that f means friends tongue
Ain't insomnia grand?

I sleep at all the wrong times, and now I am all caught op on things that do not really matter.
ha, i have it now so join the club.

email me, i have a question for you.
RE: Hands tattoo - I might be up to the challenge - Wha are the details you're looking for?
I got a really nice surprise yesterday. It turns out that before she was my favorite bald chick, my mother was this really cute twenty-something 70s girl who wore crochet tops and checkered pants. I got this photo she sent me when I was almost 3, and Ill post it here whenever I get it scanned.

On this day after a huge family holiday, I...
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"I am amazingly lucky to have had her."

That's such a sad statement, but at the same time you seem content. It's good to be able to appreciate what was beautiful about someone even after you've lost them.

I haven't been exposed to much Brazilian music, I'm afraid. Most of what I've found I've sought out myself, like old bossa nova and samba classics from compilations. When I was in Brazil for the first time as an adult I was stunned by the sheer number of subgenres that exist within Brazilian music. I'd like to get to know them all-even pagode's good for dancing sometimes, right?smile
alex you are such a class act.

i needed that comment. biggrin
Upon further refection, what used to be here might be true, but it is not true for me, so it is gone.

I am really excited about making new friends here, I already ran into some cool, brand new people that I think I would really enjoy, like The_LL and Marlowe

Of course, the kiddies in my friends list do not need to be mentioned....
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My mama's from Salvador.smile

I'm excited because this year my family and I are going for Christmas, and my mom hasn't been back for 27 years. I'm thrilled that my brothers will finally see how beautiful it is and how wonderful Brazilian people, are, too! I know they're going to be pleasantly surprised.

Happy Thanksgiving!
im glad things are getting better. i think you are both awesome and kind individuals.

..sounds like youre meeting all the right people. biggrin
So this weekend I had a fantastic time playing Capoeira with Mestre Jurandir and the Atlanta FICA Group. I had not played in a while, and the classes were intense. I had a really good game with this guy from NC, probably one of my best ever.

Are there any other capoeiristas in the ATL or GA SG? I find it hard to believe...
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Welcome to SG.
I thought it was funny.

The network is working, it seems.
So after a few weeks that have been tumultuous to say the least, I finally decided to join up. I'll write more later, but right now I just wanted to throw out a HUGE thanks to sniggitysnags and HyperMediocrity for being so super-nice to someone they don't even know. You guys were fantastic. Thank you.