9:30am on a Saturday, WFT am I doing up?

Need to clean up for the arrival of "Puppy!" Also, the boys are attending "Beerfest" at noon, then maybe lunch with Finch, new bunny time, hockey in Harmarville, and then back to my boring life here.

Overcome by your
Moving temple
Overcome by this
Holiest of altars

So pure
So rare
To witness such an earthly...
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Fitting for today.

Anyways, YAY! I'm back in the SGPgh group! Let's just say I was banned for the dumbest reason, and that is all we need to say about that.

Hmmm. Let's see.

I am having mixed emotions are people returning. It will be great to see some people, but it's yet another year that I'm not in school, and I'm living in a...
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Everything happens for a dumb reason! It's so dumb!
i'm really glad that you're getting her instead of somebody else. i know she'll have a good home with you.

it's so sad leaving her behind frown

I fell in love with a blue faced girl as I fell to my knees at the crossroads,
She descended to earth in a plastic bubble speaking in tongues of false prophets,
Ugly as sin and possessed beyond hope we made love as we flew through the sky,
Cursed to one day crash and burn because we fly so goddamned high,

To my surprise she...
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Dear pskank,
i watched your video. the whole thing. it was interesting. smile
win some poker moneys so i can brag about you to all my poker wannabee friends
Velvet Wench ARRR!!!
How to Sex Your Rabbit

that tells you all you need to know wink
Roomie didn't show up until late, and I was already asleep. sigh.

Eh, today is going to be a looooooooooong day. At least it is gambling $. smile

Anyways, tomorrow is DFD with Iso and some friend of hers, and Saturday I get my car back!!!!!

Then FULL SCALE HOUSE CLEANING. (4 living rooms, 4 bathrooms, 4 kitchens, 10 bedrooms, 4 basements, 2 dining rooms).

omg thats too many rooms puke

sry ur friend blew you off frown
have fun tomorrow nite kiss
what's a dfd?
you should get one of those industrial size hoses for the cleaning i mean

that sucks you got kicked out specially since that hole thing seemed innocent meh drama/sociol politics suck
Hmmm yesterday a Tech N9ne announcement.
Today roomie is back for a sleepover (RBI Baseball, Contra, Weed, Richie!).

And working 4 days of OT this pay period provides me for a September full of Friday night PaPoker events.


Okies. I'm out.

Hopefully everyone is holding their own. Stay up.

Hells yes for contra.
I just stopped in to check up on stuff.

I'm headed back to work for the second half of my day. 6pm-12midnight.

Hit me up if you know how.


p.s. Today I received AWESOME news. 11/17/06 at the Rex Theater just so happens to be Mr. Tech N9ne. Oh that will be one fucked up party afterwards. We will do our best to lure...
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First off, this site is fucking pissing me off.

It won't let me do edit my top friends list, and I hate being frustrated.

Secondly. I miss my car. I should have it back this Saturday.

Thirdly, people move back in within the next 3 weeks. This is both good and bad.

The Good: I won't be sitting at my computer after work each day,...
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jesus you're so fucking literal.

i'll be sure to censor my comments to you from now on.
I might be at 80's night this week, if you are going. If not, I'm sure we can hit the bar some other night or maybe play some games (board or video.)
Holy posts pskank!

Last post for the day.

It's 9:34pm and I just feel blah.

I know why.

I don't want to goto work tomorrow. But someone has to bring home the bacon for this family.

No 80's night this week. I have to work and the crew is busy.
14.5 hours of work both Thurs and Fri. Good times.

Sorry to hear about the tourney today but you'll get there one day I'm sure of it.

Yeah, no 80's night for me this week either so I'm not sure if Iso or velvetwench will be making the trek either. I have to work for my website so next week is a must!

i'll also not be at 80's night this week. I'll be cutting up the dance floor(s) at Matrix this week with my friend Steve (who might actually go to DFD too). We're gonna break out our mad ballroom skillz and slaughter all those booty dancing preps. (okay...i'll totally be booty dancing too...) confused
I'm out of the tournament.

Sigh. Now I'm sad.

I'm actually a little pissed.

I limped with pocket 4's. It was then folded around to the big blind who raised it up 5 times the big blind.

I decided, since I was down from my starting stack that I would put him to the test.

I pushed all in for 1400 more, and he called...
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Uggg... there is going to be like 5000 people in this tournament.


Pros: More people get paid.
Cons: Payout is smaller.

Right now, it's only $160,000 for 1st wink

