i think if u gear anought weird ppl u start to look things a way u only feel like someone somewhere gets his way in endless fights I don't manage been different I want a so called mate making noises I can diferenciate from other ppl or maybe I don't give a fuck

Thank u for the likes and yeah it feels great to talk to ppl from Argentina aguante rojo aguante bariloche algun dia vivire en la pampa por ahora mis planes son de ir a nueva yol

my favorite team the one I cheer for is back to first division they stayed in second division a whole season I guess not everything is perfect I just don't want to see them lose again like that they are the best team in the whole world


ok so I went to sleep I know I like girls coz I saw many of them but not really becoz of that my mind says if u like itself then ur ready but my heart is a completely different story I get a shag and I'm certain ! It will be coz one I'm just giving it a chance , two I probably met...
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