Found a cool place in San Francisco after placing an extremely descriptive ad as to what I was looking for. The ad (which got nominated for "best of craigslist") appears as follows:

'This is a call to all out-of-de-closet lunatics who want to form a Mutant House and live amongst others who have left consensus reality. Subvert the subversives, reinvent the fringe, 23 23 23,...
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lexi's right; there's some good growing places in portland - mostly in the SE in my experience. my only bitch about reed is the rich trustifarian kids that have never busted their ass on anything, but that's nitpicking. it *is* a cliquish city, though. too much scene elitism. yuk. stagnation.

that having been said - you're where you need to be. hope the 5lowershop thing works out. i'll get ganesh fingerpuppet on it.

unrelated: recently i had a dream i lived in santa cruz.
Sounds like you are doing great since the last time I checked in. If you believe that all things happen for a reason, then you've somehow been prepared for SF or something. Perhaps you needed to see what PDX WASN'T!
So I took a Greyhound from Portland to Eugene and witnessed a town full of *nice people*. Saw this bizarre show called Beyond Alice. Cute stuff! Hitched about 10 rides from Eugene to Arcata, ending up in the car with several assholes making sexual comments, and several cool people who I met at The Ohm a few weeks ago. Hooked up with my friend Matt...
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Ya, I've heard of the Urban Hermit, but I'm not sure I've read her zine yet. Shall check it out some time.
Portland isn't working for me. I came here 3 months ago: my goals were to start a band and write a book. I accomplished neither of these things here, and have been quite miserable since I arrived. The only guy I connected with was a sociopath who ended up ditching me at a rave I took him to. (and stealing my shit) The reason we...
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just dont settle down, write your book on the road, meet people as you go, i've met the most interesting people on my way through,
everything becomes trite if you give it long enough. just dont give it long enough, wait until your ready to do something like "settle down" and if your never ready then than thats ok.
And fuck all the trendy fucks who make you feel out of place.
they are either insecure, or far too comfortable with their image and social status that they bought at the mall.
there are some decent people. but from my experience you have to look long and hard to find them...but they are worth it.

be strong beautiful. maybe you should come to Stockholm and open this city up. smile tongue

Seriously, there are kids here who have gone a little nuts because for all it's vaunted 'culture' and music scene...it's really quite empty of anything remotely apocalyptic, trippy, crazy, discordian or primal.

And don't worry. Continue on your merry way and those you need to know will find you.

hmmm...Portland huh?....what's a close city you could try...nope...not knowledgeable enough.

Wow...I just saw that tryptamine plugged me in your comments. hahaha....what a synchronicity....

[Edited on Mar 08, 2003]
Psychic propaganda, anyone?

In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: the possibility of me being from another dimension is quite logical. In a world where fringe thinking is a quality one feels the need to hide in public: in order to maintain a good cover: encountering an individual...
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We live in the same neighborhood. If you find my left sock named Beatrice i will let you see my dance interpretation of albanian agrarian development.
i only see it as propaganda if it's trying to direct your mind to subscribe to something. the desired end result of the institution of propaganda is to persuade the viewer to a specific frame of mind or belief. you are essentially throwing us ambigous motivation. a rallying call to individual social resistance, whatever cause that may be. oh, and you like fugazi too. i now have a really big crush on you.
This is a great site, but I'm quite bothered by the fact that these girls get paid so little for a site that shows thousands upon thousands of people their boobies. This site gets 5 times as much traffic as your typical porn site, so I'd assume these girls would get paid a lot more for the sheer number of people that are drooling over...
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You have a point there.

oh and you're cute too. tongue biggrin
i think the apocalypse is sexy somehow too...i guess it has something to do with being raised catholic and reading revelations whenever i was in church or class...so much more interesting than everything else...and sexy in the way that i always imagine a sort of 'last boy on earth' scenario...and of course there'd be some ladies that survived...
23 skidoo!