I realized today my new set Leechwitch is geared to be live in a month. I'm much happier with this than my first set so I hope y'all also enjoy it.

I don't have any sets lined up right now for shooting. To be honest with everyone I'm really struggling with my body image. I feel like the awkward chubby girl among girls far out...
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I think you are incredibly beautiful. Do what you feel you must, but I know I will miss seeing you around here. Thou art creator of wood.
Hun you are gorgeous you are the equal of all the girls on this site you should not worry, it’s not easy we are the worst critic of our selves.

Unpopular opinion, especially as an Idaho native: I hate summer.

Something about the season just drains the life out of me. I haven't done anything but work and hide away in the house and I'm really struggling to find my drive again.

A big part of it, I think, is summer is like a kicked beehive. Suddenly everyone around you is buzzing and doing things...
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You’re an Idaho native too?! Sweet!
Yes ma'am! Idaho falls.

Hey ya'll

I'd lost my login info for a bit there and I'm finally back in! I took a real lovely but real short to LA to see my favorite band at the Whiskey A Go Go. Trip pics incoming soon!

How is everyone? I see a healthy handful of new followers! Hello and hang around awhile. My next set hits in September and I'll...
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If you could see anyone performer live dead or living who would it be?
My knee jerk answer is the Ramones
The gym for me at this point in my life is just my form of mood stabilizers and antidepressants. I never really had a goal to establish a big physique or bodybuilding competitions. I don't really promote or recommend many medications, as I do for work. I like the gym as a release, work out some anger or stress or emotional crap @pandoranoir. Over the years and hours in the gym I have found it to be a really good place for me. What kind of injuries, if I may? I know I had a bum right shoulder and chronic back pain. Both are now at a minimal with the help of shoulder and back exercises.
@arroezze When I get in a good rhythm of it it's really great for mentally helping me get through it. Definitely lessens my need for those kind of medications and I get a sense of accomplishment building myself out of stone so to speak.  The gym is a separate space where personal life garbage can wait. The winters haven't been kind lol. I'd fallen and injured my wrist and it really fucked up my weight routine, didn't have any means to get treatment for it so it's never been really right again. A few good solid ankle sprains and eventually an avulsion fracture on my right ankle from a fall down icy stairs. On top of it I've got rheumatoid arthritis so its taken some time to feel sturdy enough to get back at it but I'm thrilled to finally be there.

Weekly blog homework time!

My star sign is Leo, is it fitting? Depends on the day and who you ask. I've got the mighty mane of lion for sure and my favourite thing to text close friends and family when I don't get an immediate response is, "I'd just like to know what's more important than me right now." I can definitely take on the...
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Leo's for life honey!!!!!!! @pandoranoir