She’s not my possession, yet she’s my passion, I know she knows but confessions cause complications and would only be selfish, I reach out yet keep my distance, I love her too much to lose her as a friend, and I want her to be loved the way she wants to be loved because it’s what she deserves, but it won’t be me. I’ll always...
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Don't compare yourself to anyone, love yourself above all, have a great day.

we’re all the same, who’s to blame, insane, disdain against the grain, not whole, just go, reap and sow, bold to hold, go for gold or other metals, flower powered bicycles pushing petals that look like pedals, momentum meant to get them but they’re already on your back it will keep you cycling cyclically within a never ending track, ground gained is ground lost time...
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The glow of a beautiful soul expresses itself through its vehicle. Hollow husks, filled with passion through pain and tempered with resilience