Well.......I decided today that I need a new job. My current work place is slowly destroying me and I think it's time I do something about it!!!
Still waiting to hear about my next 2 photo passes. And applying for 2 more later this week.

Wish me luck fellow member!!! (If anyone actually reads this at least!!!)
So, some pretty awesome stuff happened in the last week!!! Got my first 2 photo passes ever and had the chance to photograph at Vans Warped Tour last Friday and Rockstar Mayhem Fest yesturday.

Both days were extremely long and quite tiring but totally worth it!!!

Check out www.facebook.com/SRGPhotography2012 for pics!!!
Stoked to finally get a flash for my camera tomorrow!! It's going to make shooting concerts in crappy little bars so much easier!!!
Finally back on SG!!!! Gonna make way more use of it this time around!!!!
So it's 3 days into the new year and my band (forgotten under common knowledge) has 7 shows booked so far. It's pretty exciting to be such a new band and have so many places that will allow us to play, especially since around my city not many bars will allow metal bands to play at their venues.

Well super stoked to be playing soon...
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