Redecorating the bedroom. This weekend we got a new big metal bed and painted 2 walls burgundy. Painting is a pain in the butt.
How am I supposed to keep up with all the chatter on the boards and still get sleep. Maybe I should stop working....
I would love to say that I've been doing lots of exciting things, but mostly I've just been getting drunk and selling cars. Not usually at the same time though. Most of the drunkenness is on acount of my old boss coming to town for some conference. We hung out and caught up over beer and grey goose.

I will be traveling back to Philly...
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Happy St. Patty's to all of you drunk celebrants. I actually have the day off. It's so nice out, I'd like to go out in the yard, but it's so full of monster weeds that I would just end up attempting to yank em all.
Can I just say that ADD and high speed internet conections should not be allowed to combine! Where has the day gone?
Finally it stopped raining. Phoenix has a temporary river system.
It's raining today. It's not supposed to be raining in the desert. You know it never fails. I clean my car and then it rains. Even in the desert.

My in-laws are coming into town tonight. I haven't decided if it's a good thing or not. I'll let you know later.

My father in law is here to see some drag race thing. I forget...
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That is why I don't wash my car anymore smile
As I was leaving work last night I saw an Owl swoop silently along the street. It was very surreal.
Damn, I have a headache. I took some aspirin, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm trying to make new CDs to play in my car since the ones I have are very old. I just don't know what kind of songs I want to be listening to while I'm driving.
I fear that if anyone happens upon my journal they will read it and realize that my day to day living is rather stupid. Wake up, clean up, go to work, come home, go to bed. But then I suppose it's much the same for the majority of people. So I won't dwell on it. This girl at work helped me out with something the...
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I'm guessing that it will take time to get noticed around here. Maybe eventually someone will actually read some of this. If not, I need the practice typing on my laptop anyhow. I'm so used to my nice big natural keyboard that I keep hitting the wrong keys when I try to type on my new laptop. Can I say that wireless internet is just...
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hi! i read it.
so there...smile

welcome, welcome, n00b.
Welcome to SG! Way to go on the ridiculously huge SUV sales!!