yah so i was just writing some fucking kick ass poetry to post on here kinda of about what's been going on clicked the wrong button and POOF......GONZO. I FUCkiNG HATE WHEN THAT SHiT HAPPENS....maybe i wasn't meant to post it....bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh

just one more time but
it's not natural at all now
now it's forced & we both
know what's gone

those words i said to you
i could barely recall
it was like
it was like i bared my soul
and we shared a puRE moment

it was like i meet Woman
for the first time that night
wheRe some heavinly spirit
watched oveR us
revealing things
in both our hearts
in the GarDen
Eden RockS

wE changed the UniverSe that night
under the MOON
and behind the SUN
we pationed the CouRT
and they did not find us GUiLTY
for what's come undone

those things we said n' shared
all i can remeber was
a WiLDNESS in youR dancE
awakening something in me
when words stopped
action took over
words could barely
describe what transpired
in one Simplistic word it was

Like something that was lost
in the Wind these secrets
your gift which i can barely explain
what it is exactly that was shared

i meet Eve that night
i meet Woman in all her LiGHT
and i knew this was something
i had waited for
and i was afraid because i knew
that this moment had to end
that is why i neveR wasted anything
and you were so open
you just went with it
and all we are left to say was...is

what exactly happened?
and it's kinda of hard to explain
cuz we were there
but we werent there in a way
did we rise to a higher place
as we embraced and
shared now it's your turn
back and forth
when my words stopped dancing
your body spoke for me

"that's the way to do it...

so here we go.....

Half a day is wasted
and half the day is lived
i'm tired of living for half a day
when there's only less then 24hrs to live

dead and alive
all at the same time
buried yet not fully satisfied

She dies alittle bit
each and every time
giving that gift
breathed back into me


how do you now betray TRUTH
when you basked in the Shadow of LiGHT?
how do you say i will go my own way
and you will go youRS

thank you for your kind words
maybe our paths will croSS again
maybe what you need is more balance
cuz you were out of controL

i will appreciate all of what WOman
has shown me I will be a friend
and to some a little moRE

until then i will wait
i will wait
like i have always done
until we meet again
until then i won't become

[Edited on Jan 23, 2005 11:29AM]

OK some fairly crazy stuff has been happening as of late. Like a whole lot of stuff happening all in a very short period of time. I remeber days, months and years moving by so slowly and nothing happened what so every. Well maybe that is because well...that's another story.

When what is sureal becomes kinda of the norm. That is strange coincidences coming...
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*People come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,...
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Tha't pretty cool!
Alright so being the horrible emotional being I feel like I must beg the question, when said person leaves your life, distastefully, and then returns what then do you do?
Annual Monoply Update

Yes, so the annual Monops game went down last night. And i've spent all day trying to recover from the madness. We started at 9pm and i think finished at 3am. It was brutal. The highlight included a presisident setting delibration over a would be deal. That would have seen a player trade over property to work towards building a set, offering...
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Sadly English is my First and Only language

Not very impressive i know, that is if anyone has bothered to read anything i have posted....they would soon come to the realization that i have difficulities in the english language. But what is language but a mere form of expression and communication. It is not the words themselved but the meaning and idea that you or...
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I was just looking around and came upon your journal. I liked your profile....okay so uh hehe Hi there! smile
I know it seems strange N.B to Tucson. I have mostly lived in the states and europe most my life. I guess it's kinda a long story but anywhoo my moms side of the family lives there. I am an american citizen though as of 10yrs ago...lol. wow yawn sorry I think Im rambling. thanks for the response wink cant wait to see the "pictures to follow"
Master and Commander

i have no choice in the say
patterned actions and words
got me wondering how
much freedom i really have
when i broke off all my chains
only to find so many doors closed
i can go outside but i cant
open my dreams
it's taken a lot longer now
and really how much more time
do i got left

life feels...
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but the poster was a real poster, kinda tattoo style
...not in my deam : )
look, this is the guilty picture!


She sit's around all day
all week
all month
all year
waiting for those days to come around
when she ventures outside to get a fix

she is God's Judgement
a Test of man
to see all the sin
pouring down like the blood
from that hole in her nose
and that little piece that's
missing from her Womb...
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Beware of the junkubine.

Every wonder why you tend to bump into the same people randomly ever couple of months or so.

THis is like the walking around in your circle type of thing. It depends exactly how big that circle stretchs and who is walking in that circle. Right now i feel like i am my own inner circle, which isn't really a good thing....to come back...
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Brand Spanking New Profile Pic

Goooood Timmmmmes.Taken at the bar i work at. This past weekend was not Good Times as i worked mall, bar, mall, bar, mall, bar NONE STOP. It culmatinated on Saturday Night with having to kick out several people and having to break up a girl brawl outside. That's right CAT FIGHT!!! CAT FIGHT!!!! CAT FIGHT.

Last night was the first...
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everyone wants to hear about love...heartbreak

they don't want more
they don't want less
they don't want to hear the Truth
they don't want to explore
get low to see that there's
so much more

experience life to the fullest
but you settled for less
when there's so much more
so much more

here is my truth
i wait for it
as it strings...
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That's pretty. I love the new profile picture too!

One Foot infront of the other

I was listening to someone speak tonight about crossroads/barriers. That we come to these crossroads, barriers, choices what have you and have to make a decision. Stepping into the known and unknown is something a lot of people have difficulty with, something i have had difficulty with. That feeling of paralyze at the crossroads sucks, afraid to make any...
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ah is that the joker? 1st time i did acid i watched batman. fuck it was scary
kiss you re miao!! bok bok bok bok biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin heheheheheeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!