updated the site today. i also updated my resume.

and now i'm off to the unemployment office.

Hey ya, what's up? I so suck at keeping livejournals but I thought I'd stop by and check yours out - CONGRATS ON LEAVING WAL-MART soul sucking demons, hope you find a kick ass new job. Well I'm in debt and depressed and jealous that you got to drink lately (39 more days...) so I'm going to go masturbate or do the dishes or something...
i was laid off today. but, i am not sad because i hated walmart with a burning passion. they treated me like the dirt on the bottom of their shoes. they never gave me the health insurance i was elegable, and they mystically "forgot" to give me that $1.00 raise i was supposed to get when i switched to the overnights crew.

i am somewhat...
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it sucks but i guess they gave you that push
went to a party the other day and had my first drink. it was quickly followed up with 3 or 4 other ones. fun time, exceot for when we all woke up to my friend puking into the toilet. when he pukes he screams so it was like "BAHHHHHH!!!! [splash]... BLAGGHHHHH!!! [splash]..." and it went on for like 10 minutes. we were laughing and covering...
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What were you drinking?

Bravo, a vodka man is a good man.

[Edited on Feb 16, 2004 6:00PM]
so, i woke up today at about 4:30pm and went to the bathroom. i kept hearing a dripping noise, but i couln't find anything in the bathroom that was leaking. I headed into the kitchen and check the sink, but then i stepped into a big wet spot in the carpet. i took a look at the ceiling and there a big wet spot from...
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Dude, that sucks. I'de throw a brick through their door.
yeah, i just thought about it and my meal schedule is officially fucked up.

brekfast: 5:00pm
lunch: 1:00am
dinner: 6:30am

although sometimes i skip dinner because i'm too tired. but then again i'm probably tired because i skipped a meal...
Ah.... yes, skipping meals is bad, I try to do it as little as possible... though I tend to substitute meals with things like day-long snacking and whatnot... so long as it is reasonably healthful snacking.... *ramble?
another week and nothing has happened. maybe i'll meet a girl. probably not, but i hope so. i must sleep now.
yup it's cold. supposed to be around -12 by the time i get out of work tonight (that's with windchill).

my classes seem to be okay this semester, except i still have to buy all the books (oops).

i might have another helo gathering this week, but i'm not sure yet.

i posted up a pic of myself for those who are curious. the picture...
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just had a rediculous halo xbox party. oh man, good stuff.

baught some swords and trowing knives from bud k. can't wait untill i get them.
i didn't know she played halo...i just had one last weekend and it was sweet. if i knew lucretia played i would have invited her.
I wanna be cool and play halo. :-P
i was just sitting in my chair watching judge joe brown with the lights off when i saw some movement on the ground. I kida got a little paniced because i was worried it was a giant cockroach or something.

after a few minutes of picking things off from the foor and looking unter tables with a flashlight i found a little mouse.

he ran...
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::pictures Cadaver the bad mofo rodent with big black shades and the shaft music playing::

eh, yeah... glad you have some company!

and yeah, I like chicks since you asked :o) I AM a member of a website were scores of lovely naked ones put up pix ;-)
hehehee what a name