This weeks marks the official week I must book my return flight back to the States. The flight will be in December and yet, it feels like I'm pausing mid chapter to see how many pages I have left before its over. This chapter of my life is not yet over, but I must savor every last moment of it before it ends and I...
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How are you single?

I was lurking on the Dating Sucks board and came across that question. I have to say it is an interesting question. For me its usually phrased in the manner of "How don't you have a girlfriend?" or "How hasn't a girl snatched you up yet?". Similar to most people that are posting over on that board, there is no good...
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much better when its cut off!! <3
Thanks. First time doing it by myself.
I'M BACK! This post is brought to you by Australia, Sydney specifically. So I have been MIA for sometime and there is no excuse really minus the fact that I didn't have the internet for sometime. Regardless I'm back.

Graduate school. Yeah, its here and yeah I'm doing it. It is going I would say 50/50. Enjoying certain aspects not so much others. I'm still...
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What are you in grad school for?
I'm getting a Masters in Film and Digital Image. Two short films during the course, one each semester. The real challenge is the screen writing class. Brutal, and awesome.
Got a ukulele. Jealous, I think you are. Photos to come.

Great night last night. Dinner, ice cream and scrabble. Cook out today, the girl might be coming. Oh yeah plus de-conning the room, and bathroom. Paying bills and living life. Trying to stay on top of things. Bonus found one ticket to Australia for under a grand. WIN!!!!
Friday, after a long week. Dinner and beverages. What else will the evening bring. Thanks for the add. You know who you are.

Sprained ankle on sunday, x-rays say that nothing is broken. After boat practice last night, ankle feels worse than before.
take care !
Will do my best to take care. Can't play hockey tonight. Stupid ankle.
Ok, lets get over the shock that I'm updating twice in one week, let along two days in a row. I have to say, you know what grinds my gear, HDR (High Dynamic Range). For those of you unfamiliar it is a digital photo technique. I'm ok with some digital photo stuff, yeah its cool I get it, yeah it can make some amazing images...
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Three weeks, three games. Third game in, and I finally did something useful for the team. I started playing roller hockey on a friends team that was short players. Never having played in a league before, its fucking difficult. Luckily I grew up rollerblading so skating isn't a issue, but sprinting for a few minutes at a time repeatedly while trying to actually do something...
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Aparently, Olivia munn is attending the Mayhem Convoy... Awesome.
That's hot.