hello my friends in the SG world,

Sorry that i haven't blogged in a long time. But know that I have graduated from college I may have more time. The job search is on to find a full-time permanent job. I have had one interview so far. But I have had fun to seance I graduated I went to motor city comic con, when to...
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yay can't wait to see how the tattoos turn out!!!  Congrats on graduating from college !!

Sorry my friends from the SG world about not posting in a couple of weeks. But I have had a lot of sit to do with college and shit. But I have my a majority my senior project done for all the presentation I have to give for it. There is my poster with just need a little tweaking once my adviser and I meet...
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Well what can I say. It was to short and not to worm. But even thew I really didn't do much I had a good time. I got a copy of the complete collation of Grimm's Fairy Tails that my grandmother got me. Saturday I did go over to Windsor and checked out there mall with a friend I haven't seen in along time so...
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Hello my friends of the SG Universe,

Just started my spring break last Friday. But I had a successful week did my tecrehersal for my project presentation, did all m midterm and think I did OK with them. But that is for this post if I do anything interesting I will make another post.


Hello my friends of the SG Universe. I has been a while scene my last blog. And starting to day I will try and make an effort in to making an update weekly. So here is the first of many more to come so to start off I am in my last semester of college at Lake Superior State University. Curently I am working of...
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