@missy @rambo

Hey SG it's been awhile! A lot has happened since my last blog but I won't get into all that right now, but I do wanna share my first Pride experience with you all!

A friend and I decided on a whim to go to Louisville Pride Parade yesterday. We we're both pretty pumped seeing as this was a first for both of...
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@bloghomework @rambo @missy @lyxzen

So this homework is a little late but better late than never, right? HaHa

I love this photo for a few reasons. I think it is aesthetically pleasing meaning I feel like my own appearance fits really well with the location and I'm really pleased with how everything went together. I'm really happy with my makeup in this picture too. The
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@nymm, I admire your courage and perseverance. You, and other Suicide Girls with debilitating diseases, are an inspiration to all. I should take note and try better to live my life to its fullest each day. I was diagnosed with diabetes a little more than 3 years ago. Managing through medication (no insulin) and diet (not very well lately). I'm also going to get dedicated to going to the gym regularly as soon as I get back home next week. Thank you for sharing your whole self though your blogs and photos.
You are welcome and I wish u luck! @deadguitarist

Hi SG!

I am posting this blog for @jagz993 but if anyone else is wondering about my new tattoo... here you go :)

I haven't talked about it too much on here but those of you who follow me on other social media and have talked with me frequently, know that I am into the occult and know that I am familiar with the paranormal
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@nymm Yup, institutionalized religion itself can be looked at as a flawed principal unless the individuals themselves actually choose to put thier faith in something they personally believe in. Ones personal faith is an intimate thing, while large scale religion in many instances seems to be more about who loves God more or who does it "the right way" many times IMO.  Its hard to avoid cynicism when so many wars are started over this subject so I see why you would be turned off there. BTW, Thanks for sharing such a personal thing with us.    
Exactly and you're welcome. I'm glad I did