I hope you had a good day.

I accomplished something today that was unexpected......save for the electronics, I tore a vacuum cleaner apart and put it back together, and now the vacuum cleaner no longer sucks at sucking.

What did you do today?

No matter what you did, I hope you made the best of things. If your day was crap....there is always tomorrow.


I try my very best to check out the profile pages of hopefuls and SG's alike. I've noticed that quite a few don't share location on their Vital Stats, which is entirely justifiable.

Some do, and that's great too.

While I myself often wonder where they all are from on this rock....I'd never ask.

Have you posted your actual location?

If so, why?

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Hmmmm.... Which location are you referring to? Vital stats? Or on IG pics? 
Editied to say vital stats  @artillery!   thanks for pointing that out.   :) 

I wish I knew exactly what my "issue" is today.

Maybe a good bout of blowing the shit outta things (aka GTA) will help....

I still want to beat Arkham Knight too but I know that playing that will just increase my frustration level, so I'm going to avoid that like the plague for a few days.

Well enough of my whinning.

Tell me, how...
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I'm trying to pull myself into this week with a positive attitude.

Sadly it's not going well, though.

I got myself into a funk yesterday, and am full of frustration. I fear this could easily turn into a good bout of depression.

I'm going to muck my way through it.

I hope your Monday is great.

Thanks for taking the time to read @brunabruce and @grady31

I got myself all caught up on blogs and photo shoots that have been posted that I missed out on.

What to do the rest of the day???

Find more posts to comment on and hang out on SG!

We HAVE a plan

thanks for reading @brunabruce!  

And I had an absolute blast. I got home and my ears were ringing....now 10 hours later, my ears are ringing less but still ringing.

Today I realized I've got a whole crap-load of love to pass out on sets that have gone live this week. So I promise you, to all you great hopefuls that I will get to your sets today and comment...
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thanks @babal!   I hope you've had a great weekend.  Thanks for taking the time to check it out
thanks for checking it out @brunabruce  I hope you had a great weekend.   

I've got to work today, and I am back to my 6 hour work shift tomorrow as well. But tomorrow night I'm going out to hear some local bands that are playing at our concert lounge here in town. It's going to be a great time and I am excited about it. Too bad it's not tonight.

I hope you all have a great day...
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That sounds awesome have fun!
It's going to be a great time.