nine inch nails was badass, but not as good as last time around... neither was as good as the downward spiral tour... so it goes.

also: looks like i'll be able to start straight into a PhD program in the spring. nifty.
Er. That semester sucked. I require beer.

Oh look, beer.

Catch you folks later.
Ack! Classes classes classes work.

Maybe there's some sleep in there somewhere? Not sure. I don't remember it if there was.

Right, back to X where X in { classes, work }.
well Hello smile
Some thoughts about Absinthe. I've had it twice now and I've decided that it and I do not mix. While the effects are mildly desireable, it absolutely guarantees that I'll be spending the following day in the good company of the porcelain throne.

New years was fun, though.

Also, this looks to be a very interesting semester. Computational theory and lots of math, with a...
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now that's just silly nonsense! I do work at the fellinis on ponce, and you should have said hello sinn! It's harder for me to recognize you than it is for you to recognize me so next time you see a purple haired girl working at fellinis say hi!!! smile
Finals week wasn't too bad. Absolutely bombed the hell out of one of them, others went alright. Monday I head back home, Pittsburgh for 10 days or so.

Also, I need to update this thing more than once a month. So much shit happens that I could randomly blather at people about, but alas much of it ends up forgoten.

Perhaps I can get into...
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wow! can't believe you remember the name of the set and everything! That's awesome! Hope you have a good trip home.
nine inch nails was fucking incredible... didn't have floor seats, but had a perfect view of the lighting/projections (being a lighting guy, i'm a sucker for that stuff). definitely a better show than the downward spiral tour, but then again i wasn't 12 or something this time around... i think that helps.

also noteworthy, my test this morning kind of sucked.
alright... i keep meaning to set up a damned journal somewhere and this is as good as anywhere.

since nobody on here really knows me there's not much point in talking about what's up with my life... all in time i suppose...

until then... i need friends... add me, damnit... i play well with others, or something.

Hi. Thanks, by the way.