So recently my family has been a bunch of assholes. Hiding shit, taking shit from me. Bunch of fucking assholes the lot of them. In response I have upped security. Bought a new safe, bought some new security tools, and planning some much need relocation. Fuck this town, this family, and this shit altogether i should feel safe in my own goddamn home.



where the best beer in the state comes from^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THOUSANDS OF BEERS

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when you think of someone you love. it only brings back memories.

Just another hedgehogs dilemna


so after getting booted out of my own home for a week i have to stay with a buddy. xmas kinda blew donkey dick. basically got dumped after all the bullshit. waiting for a new start in a new year. btw this is the first time i've been on in a bit sorry if i havent caught up with you all.i'm gonna get so fucking...
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jajajaj XD

there is a reason I love my mosin.
It's worth the money.



I'd like to start by stating it is not tommorow. It's today. Today is tuesday. Anywho....it's about 15- 25 degrees out. Snow is about 5 inches deep. Wind is supposed to bring in a decent cold front and drop the temperature even more. More snow in the forecast :)

....perfect camping weather :D


Some things never change. Somethings never stay the same. It's that scent though. it's almost driving. I catch a wiff and i stop to turn. i feel that presence echoing throughout the vast layers of space and time. The faint lingering warmth in my bed. That soft smell enveloping me asI slumber. unperturbed by annoyances. Sound muffled. All but your soft breathing against me. Skin...
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america. the machete is new. the rest isnt.