Last night, we went out and hung out at Jim's place for "Shakedown," where we shook down our camping gear and art crap for the playa. I guess I can say I'm officially getting excited for this year. First of all, the art project that my village has been working on is coming along incredibly well (holy crap!) and they may be able to do...
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On the radio right now: http://www.theoryradio.org

I just got a huge variety of new music and am playing it. Ska now, punk in a bit. My gift to youse guys. EL SUICIDO LOCO
we will totally hang out. Your parents were totally cool though.

I'm planning on committing my muscle to the uber-man when I get to the playa. You'll need lots of hands right?

Do you know impboy?
and you're doing a set!! How rad.

Mine is going live pretty soon. Its so fun.
Wow... what a past few days. First off, I've been kind of sick. I ran in the SF marathon last weekend (half marathon, not full kick-assedness) and then got pretty sick... compounded, I'm sure, by the intense and carefree partying that followed (for several days). So I've been hobbling around, having all sexy phone voice and stuff, and powering through the various social things I...
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holy fucking shit, ANOTHER villain on the site. so you're gonna send your shit in as well? well, if pearl and pallas can do it, why not you?

if i do say so myself, the burner SG models may be the only people you need to know on the site. actually, fatality really kicks ass. she's probably this site's equivalent to the reverend kate. actually, there's many good people here. and a lot of asshats, too. you'll catch on, quick.

but by all means, save whatever kook mail you get if your set goes live. it'll be a gift for yourself when you grow older.
Well Holy Guacamole.

Yeah, Villains. Yes. I'm gettin' my photos together... was lookin' for photographers, but found some and am now in scheduling mode. :-) thanks for the welcomes!


It's a public site. There are a lot of asshats in public.

- Normie
Ok, finally trying this out...

For years people have told me I need to set up a SG profile, so here I'm finally doing it, damn it. Any recommendations on what to do now? I see nudie photos are the new big thing. I've got it on my action items list.