I thought working two nine hour days over Easter weekend would suck, but so far it hasn't been that bad. Yesterday while I was at work I read 6 volumes of Hellboy, and two volumes of BPRD. I also read about thirty pages of Jeffrey B. Russell's The History of Witchcraft, which I am forever trying to finish. I played three card games with...
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I'm guessing you work at a comic book store?
I swear, Im moving to the bible belt one day as a masked crusader of liberalisim. And then I will recieve burning crosses on my lawn. But really, I never understood the logic in that. you are burning YOUR OWN religious symbol. If I torched it you would call it an irreligious act of blasphemy...


have you read strangers in paradise? this (and some johnen vasquez) is the only comic I'm ultra in love with. Be it I havent read many others. *droooool*
I am intrigued by how people seem to treasure things the most when they are about to lose them.

I've known this girl for several years now. We've been good friends all the while. It has been a long time since I have felt anything close to romantic attraction for another human being, but now that she is about to graduate I have started to...
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I haven't been on this site for while, so I thought I'd drop by to say hi.

Speaking from personal experience, it's best to just say how you feel and get some sort of answer, than to keep it in and wonder what would have happened had you taken the chance. Yes, it sucks that graduation is coming up, but why not try to make the best of what little time you have?
I find it so curious how I whisper out into this abyss, and sometimes it whispers back.
Abyss is not empty, but are you sure it is not a faint echo?
befriend the abyss, maybe she'll tell you wonderful things....

I decided to write my paper on the various reoccuring nightmares I've had throughout my life. It ended up being a sort of combination of a literary memoir and a cultural critique. I wrote it in such a way that it treated the world of my dreams as just another place that could be visited. It isn't the best thing I've ever written, but I...
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If that's the way you feel about it, it sounds like a fine rough draft. wink
I haven't really had much of anything to say for a while. Not just here, but in all aspects of life. Being an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing, you can imagine how this can be problematic. I just feel tired. This is ever a problem. For so long I have just felt so tired, and I start to crave annhiliation just to...
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I believe it sounds great. As long as you could focus on school alone, which nobody can, of course, because life gets in the way with so many other,.. things.

I sometimes enjoy the company of assholes, and have to endure it unwillingly quite frequently. I can be uncomfortable around people that I wouldn't consider assholes. I guess it says more about me wanting to be an observer, but without being observed and judged. Life seems to be either watch or do.

Or, sleep I suppose.
It is a long way to making the case for a context of an ultimate dimension of reality, but I believe that it can be done. It is strange to watch the two predominating worldviews of humanism and naturalism as they clash with one another.

I have come to realize something sort of strange and also romantic about philosophers. They also seem so reluctant to...
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I say pursue change. Life is so short. You can have peace and patience, or you can have fresh beginnings and feed your compulsions. Perhaps peace will be more easily attained in your next existence.
Part of me is so cynical and sometimes really think that reality is just a meaningless cluster of particles. But at the same time I think I'm a humanist at heart too. Even if you think you can't change things you should try anyways if you are not satisfied with were you are at presently.
i like that i reinforce that fantasy too. blush

i remember reading once about people with religion (any kind) living longer, healthier lives. basically the gist of the article was a 'chicken or the egg' kind of scenario. interesting.
I suppose it would make it easier to accept the difficult parts of one's life by appealing to a higher power, and then resolving that one does not have control over his or her own life. If events are out of our control, if they are the whims of some omniscient force, then we have much less uncertainty in our lives, and that will result in lower levels of stress hormones from our glands, which cause tissues and organs to deteriorate less rapidly.
There's an example of actions and consequences.
I don't really have a good reason, but tonight I just feel frustrated and pissy. I'm really bored and restless.

There is this guy I know, who is really nice, and talented, and good at everything, and everybody likes him. Even I can't deny that he is a pretty cool guy, at least in some respect. I would really like to see him get horribly...
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I agree - there's nothing quite like a country that can devise an entire holiday around drinking. I, too, say yay to St. Pat's!

Thanks for the comment! kiss
I was supposed to go bowling with an old friend/ex-lover, but she flaked out on me. I should have expected it. Every time I stop thinking about her or hanging around her, she always finds me and acts interested again for about a day or so. I've been in love with her for a long time, but she is one of the most half-assed friends...
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Yeah flaky friends who are also exes are worse than flaky friends who arent exes too.

Creepest desserted place ive ever been at:
stranded outside of the county fair after hours, long enough to watch all the lights on the rides get turned off. Those giant machines with no noise, no happy screams, no neon carnival glow, are positively SINISTER.

Haha. Thanks. I thought it was pretty funny.
I wrote a 5 page memoir for Nonfiction today about the love triangle between me, women, and video games that went on for almost 20 years of my life (I don't play many video games anymore because I've moved on to comic books and board games). It was really nostalgic and strange for me, but nice. While writing it, I realized that the first time...
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I realized something today. All it takes to make me happy is warm weather and sunshine.

It is nearing 80 degrees today, and it is the best I've felt in at least 6 months. I hear a lot of people talk about how beautiful winter and snow and all that shit is, but I really hate it. I can't stand it. For me, winter is...
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Who's Johnny? She said!.

I totally remember that song..
Johnny 5 is alive!!

Last night I was trying yet again to craft a good origin story for a comic book character, and ended up writing about six pages. I really liked the story that I came up with, but it still doesn't feel right. It wasn't where I really wanted to go with the character. All of the characters except the main one seemed to shine. It feels...
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Perhaps downplaying the main character is a good start. You can always beef him/her up later, sort of like that dreary suspense.. who knows. Maybe I am just rambling.. Your user name is pretty good.. wink
Art is hard, I feel the same way with my music. Whenever I write a song I never feel it is good enough and end up scraping it the next day.