well.. im jobless.. anyone have any idea of what i can do for a job??

but on another note.. new mudvayne cd came out the other day.. its pretty pimp..

get this.. i was visiting a female friend of mine last night.. her little 11 year old brother decides that he wants to be an ass to me for not playing with him and devoting...
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well.. i think im going to quit my job.. i think i found a better one that pays $4 more an hour.. helps me pay off my probation dick err.. officer faster =)

other than that nothing much new.. my buddy josh got me a new 20" haro bmx bike.. (late b-day present) totally fucking awesome..

heh.. ive got this damn song stuck in my...
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hehe i love that song.. i sing it all the time.. <3 80's
werd peeps.. just a lame ass fucking sunday.. as usual.. nothing much going on and stuff.. i done really want to go to work tomorrow... i think im going to claim a religious holiday on the day they bury the pope..

i know some of you might think its wrong.. but eh.. if nothing better could come from his death atleast i had a day...
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well.. i was supposed to go to the renaissance fair with this kewl ass fucking chick today... but i decided to stay up all night getting fucked up and stuff.. (drinking and smoking pot)

i end up passing out around 5am when im supposed to call her at 830 in the morning and let her know where im at so we can meet up and...
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heheh we're gonna end up in a post apocalyptic world..and we'll have to mad max it to stay alive..i think i might actually enjoy that. anyhow...good luck with the chick if she likes ren fairs she can't be half bad heh.
w00t w00t!! i went to the local Circle K (gas station) and there was this really kewl fucking cashier there.. she was kinda hot too =) i talked to her for a few minutes and she invited me to go to the renassance fair with her tomorrow..

i dont remember the last time that i actually went out and did something with someone.. =) she...
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dude...........thats why they make camera phones! smile good luck!....... you meet good people in the strangest places! wink
werd peeps.. nothing much new going on here.. just sitting around.. just got off of work a liittle bit ago.. didnt do much at work today other than take a shit 6 times.. decided to text message my buddy jayson every time i did it.. heh.. he got mad at me..

nothing else really going on.. im getting better at not falling when i skateboard..'...
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i hope that's pot yer talking about there noha lol today really sucked man..just a bunch of bs..anyhow i hope shits going well for you man..take it any way you can lol
well.. it was a long weekend.. i went out and drank just about every night =) it was kewl as hell.. saw my PO yesterday.. now im just doing the rest of the work week and this friday is my first payday!!!! =)

*cant wait*
I'm guessing you are at least 21.
SGAZ is having a gathering of sorts at the Bikini Lounge.
If you'd like to be a part of SGAZ come on down SAT. night and meet some of us.
I won't be there but SG Esther will wearing her SG gear, as well as few more of us. Swing by and say hello.

Here are the how to get theres :
Take the I-10 to 7th ave, exit and head south to Roosevelt. Take a right and head to 15th ave and take another right and the parking lot comes up pretty quick on the right. I think there is additional parking across the street. There will be a wee sign that says "Cocktails". The Bikini is nested between a building spray-painted with political says and a large mural.
wake up no-ha the rabbits are laying eggs
well.. its st patty's day.. i think im going to go to the store in just a few minutes and buy a beer.. =) sounds like a good plan to me..

i almost fell asleep at work today.. heh.. it was kinda kewl =)

gotta see my PO monday.. no plans for this weekend.. anyone have any suggestions?? wink
I don't really "go" to skool... its home skool. its soo gay.
I think i might get a aries sign for my first one and then maybe some wings on my back, i might get my friend to draw em kuz i suck at drawin. wheres the place at?

yup 9 more damn days. i might go paintballin or have a lil party and get wasted.... i dunno. im kinda wantin to go to nyc for my b-day but... i have no money what so ever...well i have 11 dollars to my name thats about it. i'll probly go bowlin again like that year frown

P.S. me and all my friends are gonna go bowlin monday at about 5 i think. on 83rd and olive at the amf if u wanna go

[Edited on Mar 21, 2005 1:03AM]
do be do be do..i'm bored no-ha...what's shit up to in the asshole of az? anyhow..got another tat yesterday..probably gonna finish it in a few days..anyhow..take care man
hmm.. i cant wait.. my mom goes out of town this thursday... well.. technically out of country.. and yes... im a one of those lame people that still live at home with his/her parents... thats only cuz i just got outta jail tho... as soon as i get a couple of paychecks in from my job im gettin the hell outta here..

slipknot is in...
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i wish you nothing but luck sweetie... my boyfriend was a tweeker for about 7 years before he was finally sent to prison (not for the dope), and he's been off it since, and he now has had a steady job for 2 years, owns his own car and we own a house together (not to mention he's had a beautiful steady girlfriend for over a year and a half wink ). you're already on the right track sounds like smile
that sux about ur ears...i've gotten over the whole burnin thing.. im up to a 2g now and on my b-day im gonna buy some 0g's
ur sooo lucky ur goin to the slipknot concert! me and all my friends here have been wanting to go for soo long but we didn't have money untill it was sold out.
werd peeps.. nothin much goin on here.. just kicking it with some friends on a saturday night.. not much else to do.. i went to a RC car thing a little earlier.. i think i might get a car...

i need to get laid.. heh
ahh.. finally finished my first week of work.. i havent had a fuckin job in almost 2 years.. feels pretty good to not be such a lame slacker anymore =) but work sucks.. its a lame job.. but apparentally i do a pretty good job at it cuz my boss said she's going to see what she cant do about getting me a pay raise,...
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well well peeps.. tomorrow finish's my first week of work (at the Arizona Institute of Bone and Joint Disorder) its not a bad job.. i'm only a file clerk.. but i get paid $9.00 but its a job.. im doing a pretty good apparentally.. my boss says i can come in when i want and stay as late as i want to get some extra...
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