would love to update but nothing yet. so I'll just pump the site again, for teh funz.

Click Here

Hey SG,

check it out, my partner in crime Jimmy Teh Freak has a exclusive trailer up on our website, freakandnitro.com for his new series debuting in a couple of weeks, he calls it Rule 34, and for those wondering what rule 34 is, the urban dictionary explains as follows.....

"Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any...
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Oh Hai SG, its been a while,

First, check out the website at freakandnitro.com, some new videos to keep you entertained. including my brief brush of greatness, The Interview with Rob from Metallica.

Second, nothing much else to say, so, I will leave you with a video to amuse your mind.

HA! i knew they were real!

Hey SG,

So, it was pretty quiet yesterday, Im partying it up with my buddies this weekend, so last night was mostly dinner with family and stuff for my birthday. I'm pretty lucky to have supportive family after going through my little ordeal.

so here is a video that I think helps celebrate

-NITRO!- skull
So I posted an old news story I did in college on a local musician turned guitar teacher on the blogspot site, check it out, right here, and please tell me what you think.

Edmonton's Guitar hero

Life is going good, enjoying my last days as a 24 year old, I'll be 25 on Wednesday. bitchen.

Wanna cool video for stopping by, check this out....
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happy birthday TOMORROWbiggrin
Awe thanks, Partying it up with my friends this weekend ,so it was quiet yesterday. But still fun wink
Debut Nitroholic's Anonymous is right here.


I may make some enemies with this, but hey, its a discussion piece.

check out the site for more!

Hey SG, How you doin.

Looks like Ive been led astray once again, after talking with some powers of authority in my life, they wanted me this afternoon to go one way in my career and job search, then tonight they give me a deadline of thanksgiving for another way. Im not sure what I'm going to do, but, I will not let others judge...
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happy Sunday...err Monday now.

hope you are all doing well, man a lot of hopefuls have some pretty bitchen sets up. kudos to them all!

So check it out, I finished a video for my v-log tentitivly called "nitroholics anonymous." you can check it out,

also check out the rest of the videos, give em a look and please tell me what you think...
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Happy Weekend,

Well, when your unemployed looking for work, everyday is a weekend. (kinda drives me crazy a bit.)

but, the demos are going out, and I am getting call backs, just nothing for interviews yet. I'm sure they will come, just trying to make ends meet right now.

Some fantastic news about my site, click for boobs! I'll be starting a v-log shortly, you...
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some new videos up on my website, check em out.

Canadians On Productions

More to come, Hope you are all doing well!