I am drunk. It is 3 am, and I love the weekend. Damn you vodka and beer and whiskey... You've gotten me real good this time, but next time, I will be super sober. Last super drinking weekend before Vegas! Yeah! I dread waking up tomorrow, it is going to be a rough day....bok
Job! Job! Job! Job! Job! I have one. It isn't the best job every, basically I help recruit minority students that are thinking about coming to KU and once they enroll, I'm suppose to help them with what they need. It's not much and it isn't a lot of hours, but it is a job so I will finally have some extra money.

Kind of...
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Booo Poop to being sick! hope you feel better soon! I had a job kind of like that. I did student recruitment at my university... didn't like the school, though, so I quit lol.
Sex is quite fun, but I think its more fun with someone you can form some kind of relationship with. Doesn't have to be an official one. could be casual, but it just helps if you know the person and can get comfortable with them biggrin
I'm going to just go to sleep earlier... no ifs ands or buts...bok

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Almost forgot the chicken surreal

So I haven't posted in a while because my internet had been having fits and cuts out every five minutes. It sucks, but I will hopefully be getting it fixed soon. Classes are still classes, and I just dumped a bunch of money for a LSAT tutor course. Stupid standardized tests...

But I do have some fantastic new... VEGAS. Yeah, that's right. This spring break...
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Thanks biggrin
Bahah you are funny. I should really count how many times 'sex' comes up on your blogs tongue
Vegas sounds so exciting! have fun when you go!
Hey, so... yeah. Things haven't been going swimmingly (why is that a phrase anyway??) still don't have a job, still spending money, been having serious talks with kim and... I've been skipping classes. All of which is the opposite of what I should be doing. Maybe I should make a damn list or something. Psh, I'm probably too lazy to write the list out...

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More Chickens! bok Yaa lol
I know. Sleep is a miracle worker! I just start to feel so unproductive and weird...like I should be doing something after a while lol
So the holidays are over and tomorrow classes resume. I am not terribly excited about this semester, but hell it's not like I've ever been excited about classes. Well fuck it, at least I have my own room. It has been a rough couple of months since Stephan and I both had girlfriends or at least regular fuck buddies. Also, Flogging Molly comes to Kansas...
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bok starting school always gives me mixed feelings, but all you can do with it is hope for the best right? bok
I love the high altitude, it makes me such a cheap drunk. Anyway, my friends and I are snowboarding it up in Keystone Colorado and it is fantastic. I've been snowboarding for about the last 7 years, but this is my first year to have my own equipment (Anagram wide 163, K2 transit boa boots, I love them all). Today will be filled with overpriced...
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goes to show you how fucking wasted we were hahaha I never could have watched that that long without being drunk! but yeah. I wish I was in high altitude!
The concert was fantastic
I went to both of their Vancouver shows
Ok, been a bit busy with the big old holidays, but hopefully everything gets calm for a little while. My grandfather just got out of the hospital, they had to put in a pacemaker to stabilize his heart rate. He's fine now, but it was a bit of a scare. My Dad has been on hyper-active freak out mode since it happened, it has been...
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It's crunch time for school, which sucks, but should motivate me to get somethings done. I have about 54$ in my account right now and still owe rent for this month, the lack of a job is not helping me, but I should have 200$ dollars coming my way... in a few months. I don't like not having money. It makes drinking much harder and...
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which book is your favorite?
Restaurant at the End of the Universe??
Nah, I love So long, and thanks for all the fish! Gotta love those dolphins!
OK. Fuck the German Language. I suppose it's now time to add German to the list of languages that I have attempted to learn and failed horribly. First there was Spanish (the devil language) which consumed 5 goddamn years of my life... goddamn. Then I went to Ireland, and of course I try to learn a near dead, ass backwards nonsensical fucking language that they...
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Hiya, my Name's Cole Hwa and I just joined suicide girls. I won't lie, so far it's pretty wonderful. A quick tid bit about me; I'm a student at the university of Kansas looking for a major in Political science and international studies. Last spring I lived in Ireland for 5 months in the city of Cork, it was one hell of a time. Uh,...
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