Just a small blog nothing fancy. Happy 4th to those celebrating I for one get a free pass to cheat my diet haha mountains of booze and good food. I will probably write a better blog tomorrow or when I'm shitfaced tonight.
Long time no blog. I have just been all over the place between family and my passion gaming and yes I know kinda pathetic but I do truly love gaming. Any ways as in previous blogs I am still playing lots of diablo it's truly great tho my barbarian is on hard times farming with sword and board blogs so I am lvling my wizard...
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Aww poor pup frown
Oh thank you! kiss
So a bit late on a new post haha. Anyways I forgot to post pictures of my vegas trip tho must turned out bad cause honestly asking drunk people on the strip to take your picture doesn't go well haha anyways here are some that turned out okay.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

This is the view from the hotel which was the Aria awesome hotel...
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You are so sweet :3 well yeah it's basically what i'm doing, reading the first book before watching something :smile
Sounds like so much fun! Vegas must be a blast!

Thank you for your support, It was totally unexpected to see my name in here. kiss Means a lot!
Don't hate DO THE DANCE!!!!

Nothing new with me tho I do hate laws weed should be legal in every state for medical use.I get a choice stick with the meds they have me on now for pain which don't work or push to get painkillers which will destroy my heart over time so I get to choose suffer or cut my life in...
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I was going to talk about mass effect but I haven't had much time to put into it. I blame Star wars the old republic haha. I hate the world sometimes I know sounds dark but I hate seeing animal cruelty. It's said that this day and age we can see people die or just horrible stuff and it not phase us me on the...
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I can't for the life of me stick to a diet could be part of the problem.

frown Some people have to tact. I feel the same way when I see someone doing something horrible to an animal. Sometimes I prefer the animals in my life over the people
So Nothing interesting is going on in my life so I am going to explain my thoughts on this site. First off I will say yes beautiful naked girls is 1 reasons I joined but not the main reason I joined this site. I tell people I have a account on here first thing they think is pervert I respond with if looking at beautiful...
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So I am back from vegas it was fun just wish I could have done more. Yes I got fucked up lol can't go to vegas and not get drunk tho eiffel tower drink was a horrible idea was it tasty sure does it have enough sugar to want to puke yes. I will post pics once I collect them all from cam and phone...
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When I hear this song it makes me think and feel the odd sensation you feel when talking or with someone you really care about but being denied there love. Chasing the so called impossible to achieve the love of your life makes you crazy that girl is my drug and to move on without her is feels impossible cause you crave her attention and...
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