Just another Manic...Tuesday?

*blah* three day weekends don't nearly last as long as they should.

I need to jump on my bass and practice. I have a show in less than two weeks. I get to play my shiny new Fender P-Bass at this gig. Okay well it's not "new" but it'll be the first time I'm playing it at a show...and he's beautiful. His...
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I had a great fender squier strat...played that for years than moved on to a sweet ibanez...both have great tone. How's that crates tone with the squier? smile
New beginnings.

Since I'm new here I'm trying to get myself together. A new start. New beginnings. A place to vent old feelings and issues, analyze them, and improve myself in the process.

When I'm upset I want to post. When I'm ecstatic I want to post. I want to post all my feelings and emotions so I never forget but remember to improve.
Welcome to SG! I look forward to all your posts, ecstatic or otherwise smile