This is the first time and a very long time that I am watching afternoon television. I decided that I am adding going to a taping of a sleazy talk show to my bucket list right next to going to Venice. I wonder which I will finish first.
I'm almost done for the summer. I can't wait until I take my last exam.

Tubsy is graduating with a Comp Sci degree so at least one of us shouldn't have trouble getting a job.
Staying up all night to get this work done. I am taking a break at the moment. I know I am going to pay for this. I just need to get through April and half of May and I can sleep. I miss sleep.
i do too. good luck!smile
Tubsy and I went a fundraiser at his grandmother's church. It was a silent auction and raffle. We bid on homemade coconut cream rum and won. Booze for a good cause, score! We drank it and enjoyed it. A few weeks later, we were told that it wasn't a good version and she would give us another bottle for free. We thought it was good...
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So I wish I was a biology major. I don't understand why I didn't go that route. So many of my career goals involve science. Maybe I should go back and get a degree in science. Maybe I won't quit school after this current program.
Today, my boyfriend and I celebrated our 7th year together by purchasing a suit for him to go on job interviews. His grandparents actually bought the suit because they are awesome. It made me smile because a year from now, he is going to wearing that suit at our wedding. love
I forget that other people are as comfortable with nudity as I am.

Every Thursday, I drive from Queens, NY to Perkasie, PA to see my Tubsy. Since I hate wasting gas by sitting in traffic, I chill out in the university library until traffic dies down (as down as it can get when you drive through NY). So I relax and prepare for the...
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I had a similar moment the other day when I was casually browsing this site and someone came to speak to me through the doorway. Luckily, no boobies were in sight, so I avoided the awkward conversation that would have followed. Score one for tabbed browsing, yeah! wink

In any case, it's good to hear I'm the only one who hates New Jersey drivers. I had an awful experience a few weeks ago when I was moving. I won't name names, but seriously, fuck NJ. mad
I am in graduate school to become a librarian. This week should've been my spring break, but I had to work at my assistantship because of missing work the a couple weeks before. Having adjunct professors and online classes that can be been done anywhere, I still have work due all of this week. So it is more of a theoretical spring break if you...
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I wonder what life would be like if I didn't give a shit about what my parents wanted whatever
For a lot of people it seems that interacting over social networking sites is less awkward. They are able to be really be themselves (or conjure new identities) using these functions. However it feels the exact opposite for me. I feel weird and vulnerable on the internet.
Sick frown .I am one of the few people that seems to enjoy office work. I've been out this whole week. I am yearning for a chance to do some fact checking and excel work. I know I am a loser.

UPDATE: I change my mind. I want to be back in bed. Fact checking and spreadsheets suck. (3/1/12)
i hope you feel better soon!
Thank you Zebrah!
My braids are back! I am new here so you wouldn't know it but I am in braids 75% of the year. I try to strike out and have my hair out and I never like it as much. My braids are here and I feel sexy again. Sexy is in the geeky sense of the word. kiss

P.S. Happy V-day! This account was actually a...
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